How to detect a possible stroke in the child?


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Stroke is possible in children, but also in newborns. Familiarizing yourself with the signs and symptoms of this phenomenon can save young lives. Per year, between 500 and 1000 cases are identified and cover all age groups until adolescence.

Strokes do not only affect the elderly and have no age limit. In fact, 1% of people who have already had a stroke are children. Sometimes even newborns. Each year, between 200 and 300 cases are identified in infants. This Friday, October 29, was World Stroke Day. Manoëlle Kossorotoff, pediatric neurologist at Necker-Enfants Malades hospital, explained this little-known phenomenon among the youngest, in the columns of The Obs. But how to detect it in time? According to her, the first signs appear from motherhood if it has just been born. The main trap is to think that good health in a child prevents a stroke. It is therefore very important to watch for the slightest strange symptom in order to alert a doctor.

Lack of strength, a partially paralyzed body member or the child suddenly limps, parents must pay attention to the evolution of these symptoms, however slight they may be. “Maybe he just ran too much… Maybe not… It could be another reason too”, said Manoëlle Kossorotoff. For the neuropediatrician, every harmless sign can hide a stroke. In newborns, the symptoms are slightly different since their motor system is not yet developed enough to show signs of paralysis. “We are alerted by the occurrence of convulsions, repeated movements of an arm or a leg and, sometimes, disturbances of consciousness”, she explained.

“Call 15!”

Concerning older children and adolescents, 500 to 1000 cases per year are recorded in France. A figure that is both low and also important. Pathology little known to the general public, the pediatric neurologist wants to educate parents so that they can act more quickly. “Above all, do not go to the emergency room but call 15!”, she advised our colleagues to The Obs. Calling the Samu would save time and increase the chances of survival since emergencies are often saturated. This simple gesture could simply save the life of the child depending on the degree of severity. Namely, there are two forms of stroke: on the one hand, hemorrhage caused by a ruptured vessel, and on the other, an area of ​​the brain that has become blocked and is preventing oxygen from flowing.

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