How to dress baby at night? : Current Woman Le MAG

Has baby eaten enough? Is he getting enough sleep? Is it covered enough? So many questions that parents constantly ask themselves. Those concerning the holding of baby are recurrent, because dressing a child can be a real mission. And for good reason: the latter do not regulate their temperature like adults. Day and night, parents hope their baby is neither too hot nor too cold. To help them, Pauline Lotte, childcare worker, gives several tips for dressing baby well before he goes to bed.

Before bedtime, you can check your child's temperature by running your hand behind their neck. "This is a good indicator of whether to add clothes to her or take them off. If the back of the neck is very hot, you can remove a layer from it. When it’s cooler, you can put on a warmer sleeping bag or a little extra piece of clothing " details Pauline Lotte.

How to dress my baby during the winter nights?

It is sometimes difficult to know whether a baby is comfortable or not in his clothes. As it does not express itself, different signals can put your ear to the bug: "When they are too hot or too cold, infants may squirm and be more restless " specifies the specialist.

"In winter, we can play with sleeping bags of different thicknesses. We adapt to the temperature at which the house or apartment is heated. We don't cover it the same way if it's 19 or 26 degrees" adds Pauline Lotte. During winter nights, the childcare worker recommends dressing the infant in a small bodysuit and velvet pajamas, then covering the child with a thick sleeping bag.

Baby clothes: what outfits for spring nights?

In the spring, temperatures vary from evening to evening. Dressing a baby is even more difficult. Pauline Lotte therefore advises to readjust pajamas according to the nights. "Depending on the heat or the coolness of your house or apartment, you can put on a thicker pajamas with a lighter sleeping bag or reverse the two: a less warm pajamas and a thicker sleeping bag. Otherwise, you can choose to remove one of the two layers " she adds. During the offseason, temperatures can sometimes reach 30 degrees, so the nursery nurse recommends having lighter sleeping bags for these periods.

Summer: which clothes are best for summer nights?

"During the summer, you can prefer light pajamas with short sleeves. If it is too hot, put on a bodysuit with a sleeping bag, but it should not be thicker than a layer of fabric It is the equivalent of a sheet for adults " details Pauline Lotte.

During a heat wave where temperatures are around 35 or 40 degrees, you can also put your baby to sleep in a diaper so that he feels good. "You always have to assume that if adults sleep without anything, babies can bear having just a layer of clothes during the hottest periods ". When a baby is hot, he sweats easily from the skull. During the night, her parents can monitor her sweating through this and put on a lighter outfit for the next night.

Autumn: how to dress my baby for the night?

As in spring, fall temperatures vary by region and year. Pauline Lotte therefore recommends alternating lighter pajamas and warmer sleeping bags. The opposite is also possible by choosing to have the baby wear warmer pajamas with a lighter sleeping bag.

Thanks to Pauline Lotte, childcare worker

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