How to get rid of the horn on the feet?

The friction of the shoes causes thickening of the skin and the appearance of the horn on the feet. Here are the keys to regaining healthy feet.

Mask on the hair, scrub for the face, cream on the hands and oil on the cuticles and nails… The recipe for a perfect cocooning? And yet there is one area of ​​the body that is very often overlooked: the feet. Stashed in our shoes or socks the vast majority of the year, unless we are a fan of pedicures, our tootsies only interest us when it comes to wearing pretty sandals. Except that the damage is often already done. Friction of the foot in the shoe, pressure on the toes, skin not or poorly hydrated, nails left abandoned (we do not judge) … Our feet have all kinds of small injuries: horns on the heels, corns on the toes , dry feet or even rough skin areas. There is clearly work before regain healthy feet ! Zoom in on the foot horn and the appropriate care to eliminate it for good.

Horns on the feet, calluses, corns, calluses … Foot health problems

Wearing shoes protects the feet which are quite fragile extremities, but also causes friction throughout the day, especially if one is wearing narrow shoes or high heels. We then witness a phenomenon of hyperkeratosis, i.e. a accumulation of dead cells on the surface of the skin in order to protect it from friction, friction and pressure. And on this, we are not equal! These harder-to-the-touch areas of skin that often have a yellowish tinge usually appear on the heel, sides and soles of the feet, and even on the tops of the toes. This is called a horn, but more precisely, it is callus when the areas of thickened skin are extensive and callus if the area is smaller and is located at the level of the cushion of the forefoot. The horn is also linked to hyperkeratosis, but is differentiated from calluses and calluses because it is painful on pressure: located on the toes (on the top or on the sides), it is a rounded shape with horn In the center. In the case of corns located between the toes, we speak of partridge eye.

How to remove the horn from the feet?

The horn on the feet, regardless of the shape it takes (callus, callus or horn), it is not very aesthetic. And while it doesn’t normally hurt, it can be uncomfortable on a daily basis and you may end up modifying your gait to avoid sore feet. It is especially important to prevent the situation from worsening: the horn may split and lead to crevices which are painful and can become infected. To avoid getting there, you have to remove the horn (and not let it settle) with a product with keratolytic properties, i.e. a treatment with active ingredients capable of dissolving the dead skin present in excess. We think in particular of urea, a very hydrating active ingredient with a strong exfoliating power, which is found in many care formulas for the feet and hands, to be used daily. A product based on exfoliating active ingredients such as lactic acid or salicylic acid is also indicated to eliminate calluses, corns or calluses. You can also try a homemade foot scrub: make a mixture of olive oil and coarse salt, with which you massage the foot, focusing on the callus area. Finally, the 20-minute foot bath in a mixture of cider vinegar + 2 tablespoons of a vegetable glycerin-type emollient is recommended to reduce the thickness of the horn and find supple and soft skin.

Homemade foot care: moisturizer or vegetable oil?

It is essential to hydrate and nourish dry and damaged feet, in order tolastingly eliminate calluses and dead skin, with a foot cream or vegetable oils. Get into the habit of using a foot care every day, either directly after the shower when you apply your body milk, or in the evening before going to bed. You can apply it in a thick layer and cover your feet with socks for a more intense action. As for vegetable oils, sweet almond, argan, jojoba or pure shea butter are recommended for a reduction and then elimination of calluses.

How to properly use a pumice stone, an electric grater or a file on the heels?

When you think of the horn on your feet, you immediately think of tools like a pumice stone, an electric rasp (like Scholl’s Velvet Smooth, available for delivery from Amazon) or a file, which are very effective at removing the skin. thickened. However, they must be used with caution, especially if it is the first time: if you remove too much skin or do it every day, it may stimulate the horn… Which will occur in excess to protect the epidermis! Once a week is a good pace to scrub the feet. Before using a pumice stone, grater or file, take a shower or do a foot bath in hot water or hot water + baking soda (1 tbsp) to soften the skin. horn. Then, on clean, dry skin, use a pumice stone, electric grater or file gently, always rubbing in the same direction, then follow with a moisturizer.

Pedicure or podiatrist? Choosing the right foot specialist

If despite the treatment, the horn persists, returns regularly or you have pain (especially related to corns), it is better to go consult a foot specialist who will be able to ensure that there is no infection and offer you appropriate treatment. The podiatrist is the specialist in foot health problems, while the pedicurist is more interested in the aesthetic aspect of the foot. The podiatrist can scrape the calluses to help them leave, and look for the cause of the horn by observing in particular the position of the foot: if necessary, he can prescribe orthopedic insoles if he considers that this can prevent the formation of horns. He will also be able to give you the appropriate treatment for a reduction then a lasting elimination of the callus, callus or horn or treat the infection if you have cracks.

Maïlys is a writer specializing in the fields of beauty, health, well-being and parenthood. Mother of a little boy, she’s also crazy about tennis and a little …

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