how to get waves 360?

A must-have masculine hairstyle for men who have afros-type curly hair, waves or waves 360 are less complicated to achieve than they seem. We reveal all the secrets of this hair style to you.

Yep, it’s not just women with straight hair looking to sport a pretty wavy effect in their hair. Curly-haired men adore a named hair hairstyle too. waves or sometimes also waves 360.

What are waves?

The waves or waves 360 are a hairstyle for men intended for curly hair type 3 and 4, in other words for those who have afro, curly and frizzy hair. If the final look has nothing to do with beach waves that we know well on long hair – neither in terms of effect nor of realization – this hair look is however also well inspired by the famous wave movement that we try to reproduce when we draw undulations beach waves in its lengths. The idea is to draw a movement of waves in the afro and short hair of men. The particularity of this wave movement is that it must go all around the head, hence its second name of waves 360 in reference to 360 °.

A hairstyle that requires a good base

Are you tempted by this look with stylish waves? Foremost, make sure you have no scalp issues (such as an irritated scalp that itches or flakes or a dandruff problem that would be particularly unsightly with this hair style) and do not have damaged hair. As everyone knows, frizzy hair is naturally drier and more fragile than straight Caucasian hair. So be sure to take care of your hair type before starting to create your waves.

How to make 360 ​​waves?

Do you have the right hair texture, healthy scalp and strands? Then you can start the process to create the famous 360 ° waves.

  • Adopt good hair length

If your locks are too long, you will probably have a hard time taming them. And if you are shaved too short, it will be difficult to fix such a move. The ideal is therefore to have your hair cut or cut them yourself at home with a mower by adjusting it with a 0.8 cm.

Then it all relies on care and brushing. You will indeed need shampoo (nourishing shampoos designed for frizzy hair being a good option although all shampoos can do the trick), a brush (you can take a classic brush or find a special waves brush on the internet), conditioner, as well as a named hair accessory durag (a kind of nylon headgear).

Sunset Waves Brush

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The technique to follow : Starting from the top of your head, brush your locks down to your forehead, your temples and your neck for a few minutes in each direction to create the 360 ​​° waves.

The result obtained is not as marked as what you wanted? Rest assured, this is not the end result. Indeed, the waves take in reality several days and even weeks to be created sincethey assert themselves over the days and brushings.

How to maintain your 360 waves?

Before adopting these kind of wave hairstyles, make sure you are ready to invest in your hair routine because this hairstyle for men requires a lot of maintenance. Even after you’ve done your wave hairstyle, the process isn’t finished. Indeed, without any action on your part, your waves will quickly vanish from your curls. You’ll need adopt daily brushing using the technique mentioned above to keep the wave movement you have created in your hair.
Each day, after removing your durag, you will need to brush your locks again to keep your wave effect. You can then use styling products to fix your waves as well as possible: ointment, wax, gel or even nourishing vegetable oil or butter, it’s up to you.
Apply one of the products (ointment, wax, gel, etc.) then brush your strands in all directions as when you created your wave hairstyle.

Brush well for several minutes in each direction (towards the forehead, towards the temples, towards the neck). Ten to fifteen minutes (minimum) are generally necessary daily to maintain your waves. You can even brush your hair several times a day. The more often the better. The good news: after a while, your hair will have caught on and won’t even need the help of styling products to stay in place.

Something else to know: you will also need sleep with your durag. Wearing the durag will indeed protect your wave hairstyle during the night and prevent friction against the pillow from undoing the waves by making your hair unkempt. Put it on right before bed every night.

We advise you one hair wash per week only and when it comes time to wash your hair, repeat the entire process: washing, brushing, durag.

Can we make waves with straight hair?

Rest assured gentlemen, if you don’t have the right texture of hair and yours are sleek but they tend to be quite flexible (or better yet, wavy when you let them grow out), you will be able to get waves even if their look will be different from those performed on curly hair. However, they will be more complicated to obtain and you will have to showflawless regularity in your brushing.

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