How to prepare eggplant: tips and recipes

You want to prepare eggplant, but you don't know how to do it best? We'll show you a variety of recipe ideas for the vegetables and give you tips for preparation.

Fry the aubergine in the pan

  1. For the preparation in the pan you should first wash the eggplants thoroughly and remove the stem end.
  2. Then cut them into slices about 0.5 centimeters thick and sprinkle them with salt. The salting although optional, it will dehydrate the vegetablesso that it retains its firm consistency when frying and absorbs less fat. It also tastes less bitter.
  3. After 15 minutes you can get the discs Dab with kitchen paper.
  4. Finally you paint them on both sides with a little oil and fry them in a non-stick pan without adding any more oil.

Do you want the eggplant Stew together with other vegetables (for example for ratatouille), it is best to cut them into cubes. After frying, you can put them on paper towels so that excess fat is soaked up.

Prepare eggplant in the oven

Another way to prepare it is to bake eggplants in the oven. For this you can follow the steps described above and the oiled eggplant slices Roast on a tray for about 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Alternatively, you cut the eggplant lengthways, scratch the pulp crosswise and put olive oil, a crushed garlic clove and salt on the halves.

If you prefer stuffed eggplants, you should hollow out the vegetables beforehand and fry the pulp – the Combination with feta and tomatoes tastes great, for example. With us you will also find delicious casseroles, such as our recipe for eggplant moussaka or our eggplant lasagna.

Prepare the eggplant on the grill

In summer you can easily grill an eggplant – either in the form of Medallions (try our recipe for spice and vegetable thaler) or as a skewer. For the latter variant, you dice the vegetables or cut them into thin slices – then you can conjure up these delicious eggplant skewers with goat yoghurt dip.

Puree the eggplant

If you are looking for a delicious dip, you should try Baba Ganoush! It refers to a cream from Arab cuisine with eggplant, garlic and tahini. The eggplants must first be roasted in the oven for 30 minutes, then the pulp is pureed together with the other ingredients – the paste is wonderfully suitable as an accompaniment to bread or pan-fried vegetables.

More preparation tips for eggplant

Aubergines belong to the nightshade family and, like potatoes, contain the bitter substance solanine. Solanine is toxic to humans in high doses, so you shouldn't eat eggplants raw. Once the vegetables have been cooked, however, they are safe to eat. You can also eat the peel of eggplant, it should only be washed off thoroughly beforehand.

We have delicious eggplant recipes, we also reveal how you can prepare Swiss chard and cauliflower.