How to prevent the proliferation of capricorn insects in your home? : Current Woman Le MAG

When doubts arise, it is time for verification. If the wood sounds hollow when you tap it, if holes and areas filled with sawdust appear, you need to eradicate the capricorns as quickly as possible. Harmless to humans, these insects weaken the wooden installations in your home, which can be dangerous for you. Find out how to prevent the proliferation of capricorn insects in your home.

What are the preventative treatments against capricorns?

It is essential to act before any insect infestation on your roof, although there is no magic when it comes to preventative treatment. You can apply insulating products to your tiles to protect them from rain, dust or steam. Walk around your home to identify and remove any trees or shrubs. Although Capricorns cannot fly, plants provide perfect pathways into your home. Inspect your roof regularly for damaged areas: cracks, missing tiles, etc. These must be repaired immediately to maintain a barrier against these harmful insects.

What curative solutions against the proliferation of capricorns?

In the event of an infestation, use anti-xylophagous products by injection or spray to eliminate the larvae. Consult a pest control expert: he or she will be able to assess the extent of the problem and develop an effective action plan to eradicate the pests. It can use several methods such as the application of heat treatment, the use of chemicals or the use of pheromone traps. It is also imperative to replace infected pieces of wood with new pieces.

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