How to use Midjourney and its Discord?

In this tutorial, we explain how to use Midjourney, the AI ​​to generate images using your Discord account. Follow the leader !

Our tutorial to start on Midjourney, in video

What is Midjourney?

Midjourney is the name of an artificial intelligence (AI) program, which generate images from keywords that humans type in the tool. The AI ​​“feeds” on many other images that exist on the web (or that have been provided to it by humans), to then produce works from these references.

How do I integrate Midjourney into Discord?

If you want to test the AI ​​for yourself, all you need is a Discord account, a free messenger (which exists as a web or app version) that allows many Internet users to find themselves online in a space that can be fragmented into multiple chat rooms.

>> Midjourney’s Discord account is freely accessible here.

Since November 10, 2022, we have been on Version 4 of Midjourney, which allows us to offer even more realistic images than the previous ones.

As of November 29, 2022, 4.6 million members have visited Midjourney’s Discord at least once.

What are the commands to know to use it?

For those who are new to Midjourney and are curious to test the tool, all you have to do is go to the Discord room.

  • Once you are there, join any channel (on the left) which contains the term ” newbies it means “new” or “beginners”.
  • In one of the newbies rooms, type the command slash + imagine (that is : /conceived) and write the keywords you want.
  • Press “Enter” and Midjourney will generate a result.

Please note that you are in a public room: all the commands you enter will be visible to all Internet users.

All you have to do is download the visuals you want.

Midjourney Discord screenshot

Is Midjourney free?

It is possible to join the Midjourney beta program to have 25 free trials. Then you will have to pay.

Is it possible to differentiate the work of an AI from that of a human?

For the past few months, images generated by artificial intelligence have been flooding the web. As technology evolves at breakneck speed, it becomes more and more difficult to differentiate human works from drawings made by AIs like Dall-E, Stable Diffusion or Midjourney… In any case, that’s what we recently explained Albertine Meunier, artist specializing in digital art, and Laurence Devillers, specialist in artificial intelligence and professor at the Sorbonne University. In the Numerama video studio, we tested their knowledge — take a look at our video quiz!

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