Huawei P50 Pocket: Mysterious new cell phone spotted in star company


The Huawei P50 Pocket can be seen in pictures even before the release. The mysterious Huawei cell phone also has a celebrity in tow.

This is what the Huawei P50 Pocket looks like. (Source: Harpers Bazaar)

  • Huawei has announced a new foldable called P50 Pocket on Twitter.
  • The release should take place this month.
  • Now there are the first live images from the mysterious smartphone.

Just recently, Huawei surprisingly announced the presentation of a new mobile phone for December 23rd. Now the Huawei P50 Pocket shows itself in advance in the first pictures.

The fashion magazine Harpers Bazaar published teaser pictures with the famous Chinese actor Guan Xiaotong on Weibo only a short time after the announcement. She poses in the pictures with the flip smartphone from Huawei. In addition to beautiful pictures, we also get a better impression of “Huawei’s Christmas surprise”.

That is what the recordings on the cell phone reveal

Even if we only see the outside of the smartphone in the pictures, it still provides us with some information about the mobile phone. The first important information is that it is a horizontally foldable cell phone, the previous foldables from Huawei were only vertically foldable.

Due to the form factor, the design is somewhat similar to a small make-up box. This impression is reinforced by an ornament-like design of golden waves on the back. In addition, two circles can be seen, which are a camera module and a small display.

The camera module contains three sensors and an LED flash light. Unfortunately, it is not possible to tell what kind of camera sensors it is. The display can probably be used for basic functions such as watching news and taking a selfie, for example.

Specifications still unknown

We will probably only find out in the next few days what exactly the specifications of the smartphone look like. We suspect that the P50 Pocket will be equipped in a similar way to the normal P50, but we might also be surprised with one or the other performance upgrade.

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