Huawei unveils new attractive-screen MateBook X Pro


During its end-of-year conference, Huawei made announcements on connected watches and the P50 Pocket, but also on its high-end PC, the Matebook X Pro version 2022.

While Huawei’s year-end conference was expected for the announcement of the P50 Pocket, the manufacturer’s first foldable clamshell smartphone, a new MateBook X Pro was also unveiled.

For this 2022 model, Huawei has changed the design of its flagship PC with a screen diagonal that goes from 13.9 to 14.2 inches. The computer is nonetheless thin (15 mm) and light since it weighs only 1.38 kg. In terms of connectivity, Huawei remains simple with 4 USB-C ports and a mini-jack, even if we would have preferred a greater variety of ports (USB-A and HDMI in particular).

A perfect screen on paper

The PC retains a high-end screen with a panel in 3: 2 (3120 x 2080) format refreshed to 90 Hz, a factory calibration announced with a delta E of less than 1, a brightness of 500 cd / m2 and a still impressive screen occupancy rate (92.5% according to Huawei). We can definitely say goodbye to the webcam embedded in the keyboard, since it is conventionally located at the top of the screen.

The screen promises to be excellent.  © Huawei

The screen promises to be excellent. © Huawei

New gestures to control the PC

Contrary to the futuristic visions that recent rumors had suggested, the MateBook X Pro does not offer gesture control in front of the webcam, but new gestures to be performed on the trackpad. Dragging a finger on the left edge of the touchpad allows for example to increase the brightness of the screen, on the right to adjust the volume of the PC and the upper edge allows you to move forward or backward during video playback. Interesting features that could be useful on a daily basis to avoid going through the keys on the keyboard.

New movements are appearing on the touchpad.  © Huawei

New movements are appearing on the touchpad. © Huawei

Very little performance info

Finally, on the performance side, Huawei cultivates the mystery. We only know that three configurations will be available, all with 16 GB of RAM and with an Intel Core i5 or i7 and 512 GB or 1 TB of SSD storage. Has the manufacturer remained silent because the PC embeds 12th generation Intel processors which have not yet been formalized in mobile version? The release is scheduled for January 6 in China, it seems unlikely. It remains to be seen when and at what price the MateBook X Pro 2022 will be available in France.

The PC will be available in two colors in China.  © Huawei

The PC will be available in two colors in China. © Huawei

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