“I almost have to justify myself for not liking teleworking”

She would have liked to start her professional life differently. But the first day of Diane’s first job (the names of those interviewed have been changed), Monday, January 3, coincided with the government obligation to telecommute a minimum of three days a week and four days if possible, to cope with the tidal wave. Omicron. Recruited as an auditor in a large Anglo-Saxon consulting firm, the 25-year-old young woman attended Monday, on site, her “welcome day” to receive her equipment, but since then everything is taking place at a distance for still at at least fifteen days. “It’s depressing not meeting anyone and spending your days on Google Meet, I feel stressed not being able to share my impressions and questions with others”, says Diane. It should be operational on Monday January 10, ” corn [elle] did not meet [s]we team leader, she [s]e sen[t] a little lost ”.

Read also Article reserved for our subscribers Teleworking: a plebiscite of employees and many caveats

Many French people hoped that the new year would reconnect with the work collective. The Prime Minister’s announcements, on December 27, 2021, force them to come to terms again with an imposed teleworking, symbol of a health crisis of which we do not see the outcome. “Forced teleworking concerns one in two employees at most and, for many of them, this sequence will not fundamentally change the situation, because they were already working at home several days a week, relativizes Anne-Sophie Godon, director of services for the social protection group Malakoff Humanis. Above all, for the first time, this measure is limited in time, over a short period. When you know the end date of a sequence, it is easier to put up with it. “ In its communication, the government immediately specified that this compulsory recourse to teleworking would last three weeks, from January 3.

“The very idea of ​​a videoconference meeting gives me a panic attack. »Anaïs, 30-year-old Parisian employee

“Still, it made me angry, testifies Luc, 50, project manager at Orange, in the east of France. I understand the logic of the government, but I suffer, I feel like a pawn. We do not care whether it suits me or not, if I am well installed at home. I almost have to justify myself for not liking to telecommute. “ Around him, his colleagues appreciate it. “Many live in houses outside the city, he emphasizes. Me, I am an urban, I move by bicycle, traffic jams, I do not know. On the other hand, at home, I have to sit in the living room to work, and my wife has had enough. “

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