“I can go up to 200 tests per day”: in pharmacies, the hellish pace of samplers


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The Covid-19 pandemic in Francecase

As daily contaminations continue to increase, pharmacies are crumbling with demands for antigen testing. In front of the pharmacies, the samplers try to keep up the pace.

Faced with the omicron tidal wave and the massive screening policy deployed by the government, will the stewardship follow? In pharmacies, we wonder. “The tests ? It’s non-stop, from morning to night ”, slips a pharmacist from the 15th arrondissement, in Paris. As of Sunday, nearly 300,000 cases have been recorded. France is testing hard to try to contain the outbreak of the epidemic and the influx of patients in hospitals. “Our screening system (…) holds up”, assured the Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, during a trip to Lille early December.

But for how long? All over the country, pharmacies are trying to keep pace. On the Parisian sidewalks as elsewhere, the queues stretch out in front of the white tents where the tests are carried out. “It doesn’t stop”, breath between two samples Nesrine, a student in physics and chemistry, who works …

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