“I can no longer be silent”: the actress who accuses Gérard Depardieu of rape reveals her identity

JUSTICE – She had remained anonymous since the case broke in 2018. Charlotte Arnould, the young actress who accuses Gérard Depardieu of rape and sexual assault, reveals her identity in a message posted on social networks.

She breaks the silence. In a message posted Thursday evening on Twitter, French actress Charlotte Arnoud reveals her identity, more than three years after filing a rape complaint against Gérard Depardieu in August 2018 at the Lambesc gendarmerie, in the Bouches-du-Rhône.

Today I need to live in the truth. I live hidden and in silence. It is no longer bearable. I need to express myself. I was raped by Gérard Depardieu in August 2018. He has been indicted for a year“, writes the young woman.

He works while I spend my time surviving. This life has eluded me for 3 years and I want to live without denying myself. This speech may be a huge shock in my life, I gain absolutely nothing except the hope of recovering my integrity. “

Maybe I should have waited, gone through a medium, done this in order. Do it well. But to keep silent is to bury me alive“, concludes Charlotte Arnould.

In the complaint filed in 2018, the actress denounced facts that allegedly occurred at the actor’s Parisian home on August 7 and 13. It had been closed without further action in the spring of 2019, before the case was entrusted to an investigating judge who indicted the actor in early 2020.

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  • Indicted for rape and sexual assault, Gérard Depardieu claims his innocence

During an interrogation on December 16, the magistrate considered that there were “serious or concordant clues“that the monument of the tricolor cinema, now 72 years old, could have committed the facts denounced and therefore indicted him for”rapes” and “sexual assault“.

Justice does not have to be done in the public arena“, reacted Me Hervé Temime, Gérard Depardieu’s lawyer, deploring on France Inter the revelation of this indictment in February 2020.

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