I had a facelift at 49, the result is stunning

As she approached her fifties, Virginie decided to perform a facelift and blepharoplasty. Before/after photos, pain, price, she tells us about her experience and explains how these operations helped her to have more self-confidence.

I lived on the islands for a long time and I was exposed to the sun a lot, without always protecting myself, I admit… My diet isn’t perfect and I have naturally thin skin. The result : at 40 my skin was starting to sag and I was already thinking about the facelift. I first had hyaluronic acid injections, but with very thin skin like mine, the result was not satisfactory.

My face was becoming more and more complex, so I decided to take the plunge into cosmetic surgery and started with eyelid surgery, also called blepharoplasty. Unfortunately, I was not at all satisfied with the result… I almost had more sagging eyelids than before. So I decided to consult another surgeon to perform a second blepharoplasty and a face lift. I wanted a younger surgeon, more trained in new “techniques” to obtain a natural effect while smoothing my skin as I wished.

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Finding a new surgeon after a failed operation

I didn’t want to be disappointed again, so I took my time to find a surgeon who meets my expectations and with whom I felt confident. I advise everyone to make different appointments, to seek advice, but also to consult the before/after photos of the surgeons’ websites which are often a good reflection of their work. Dr. Nguyen corresponded perfectly to what I was looking for, I trusted him and decided to perform the eyelid operation first, to correct my failed blepharoplasty… The operation went very well and we were then able to talk about the facelift operation.

Here are pictures of me after the second blepharoplasty and before the facelift. I find that the skin on my face is saggy, but more importantly that I look very tired. It really complicates me.

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Two operations in quick succession

A few months after the blepharoplasty operation, I performed the face lift. It’s an operation that can be scary and we often have in mind the failed facelifts of certain stars. I think thatwe must deconstruct this received idea. For me, the operation lasted three hours and went very well. The post-operative period was not very restrictive or painful in my case. I had a bit of a hard time talking, a tight feeling behind my ears and couldn’t sleep on my side for several days. I had a slight feeling of pain for about ten days, my face bandaged the day of the operation and the next day.

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The day I found my new face

I discover my face the day after the operation. He is slightly swollen because of the edema, but I can already see the result: I feel like I’m 15 years younger ! I immediately felt better about myself. I no longer have this sagging skin that bothered me, but above all I look more awake, in better shape. It’s very natural. Besides, no one suspects that I had a facelift, I’m just told that I look more rested. On the budget side, I paid 12,000 euros for the two operations.

Here are pictures of me two months after the operation. You can see small pink scars on the ears, it’s normal, they then become completely imperceptible. After almost 1 year now, I am satisfied with the result. My face looks younger, but also more rested, it’s stunning and at the same time very natural…

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Insight from Dr. Vincent Nguyen, plastic surgeon in Paris: injections or facelift, how to make the right choice?

Injections of hyaluronic acid can rework the oval of the face and the line of the jaw, but they will tend to give it a more angular appearance, more weighed down and distort the features if they are made in too large quantities. They can correct a slight sagging of the cheeks or eyelids, but the effect will not be satisfactory or natural if the skin is very distended or very marked. A significant sagging of the cheeks or very deep nasolabial folds cannot be completely corrected with injections. In this case, I recommend rather to perform a facelift.

As you can see in Virginie’s before/after photos, a facelift today doesn’t look like a facelift from 10 or 20 years ago. The result is much more natural. I don’t just pull skin, as many people think, but I rework all the underlying architecture of the face, in particular the muscles (this is called the SMAS: Superficial Musculo Aponeurotic System). I can also make fat injections to rework the shape of the cheeks or cheekbones and give them a more beautiful harmony. In the case of Virginie, who was very thin, I had to take fat from her thighs then reinject it into her face to slightly rework her volumes.

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Thanks to Dr. Vincent Nguyen: cosmetic-surgery.paris

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