“I had a miscarriage” poignant testimonies of Internet users

It’s not easy to feel understood and listened to after a miscarriage. In our forums, you come to tell without taboo your experience, your troubles and your despair. Because no, you are not the only one to have experienced a miscarriage and to feel the need to share this terrible experience with other women in your case.

Miscarriage is a subject that remains taboo. Sometimes out of superstition (if we don’t talk about it, it can’t happen). Sometimes out of shame, sometimes again because we know that our word will not be heard and that we risk coming up against detestable thoughts. However, miscarriage is far from being a rare and isolated event. Indeed, it concerns approximately 20% of pregnancies every year, and 15-25% of women will experience it in their lifetime.

So, so that women experiencing a miscarriage no longer feel alone, we have asked you on the forums to give you the floor. Because each story counts and is essential and it is important to talk, you have shared with us these little bits of life that concern you and we are particularly grateful to you.

I had an early miscarriage

I had a miscarriage at 3 SG this Saturday January 24th. My spouse and I are very saddened, because we had been waiting for this baby for a long time (9 months of trial). I’ll explain to you, since the birth of my daughter (2 years old) I’ve only had 4 periods… so for baby trials you’ll understand that it’s not easy when you’re not ovulating! I already have two wonderful children and for each I got pregnant in the first month of trying. I have been taking natural products (Vitex, herbal teas, maca) in addition to acupuncture for 4 months already…. I’m in despair, I’m afraid my next ovulation will be in 8 months! This is what I had to wait to get pregnant… It hurts me a lot… I spent a fortune on ovulation testing, home conception help…
My family doctor does not seem to want to accompany me in my steps, (…)

I’m in despair, what do I do, I drop everything? That’s what people say, but I ovulate so rarely that I’m afraid to miss the next ovulation…

Find the testimony of audrey19898

The tears just fall

Wednesday, January 7, 2015 positive blood test!! My count was 310. Very happy and very quick pregnancy after stopping my pill. Today January 18 woke up at 6:30 am with a big stomach ache (the same as when I have my period) I get up and there in the toilet blood!! Direction echo emergencies, blood test my rate is 360. And I understand. The gygy told me that in the event of an ectopic pregnancy my rate would still have doubled.

I feel like everything is collapsing around me!! I just cry.

Find the testimony of emylie2323

I had two miscarriages

First miscarriage at 6 sa+3, pregnancy stopped a long time ago according to them, an empty sac on the echo. I bleed for a week, a bit like my period, no special pains, a few bearable contractions. 7th day of bleeding and last ..

I’m getting pregnant very quickly! A dream, what fertility… This time I wait before talking about it, to avoid all these “it’s nothing, you’re young, you have time, it wasn’t even a baby” and then all the “how are you?” I don’t like pity too. Stronger symptoms, I really feel the pregnancy! I feel pregnant I believe it! It’s different from my first pregnancy where I felt from the start that it was not going to go well.. I wanted to wait a month to do the blood test, in the end I waited 3 weeks.. (During which I did two pee tests a week apart with dating which reassured me).
Last blood test, I’m waiting for the results (…). An umpteenth need to pee hits me around 4:00 p.m., and there everything collapses: blood. I go to get my blood test and go to the emergency room. The doctor sees nothing at the strange echo, does not say wants a blood test in 48 hours..Test drops by more than half.. Miscarriage..I I believed in it during these 48 hours and I remained bedridden in the hope of a “simple” detachment until the large clots showed up.. So I am on day 7 of bleeding, today they are more or less present , it stops at the limit of an end of rules, then resumes again I do not understand anything about it. But not plenty. It’s very little blood.. I would do an echo check to reassure myself..

I learn that it takes 3 miscarriages for extensive examinations. I am 24 years old and I did not imagine that it would happen to me either, especially after having experienced the many pregnancies of my magnificent big sisters..

Find the testimony of cositalinda

I have a lot of fears for my next pregnancies

I got pregnant and at 6 weeks pregnant I lost it. Then again two months later and a few days later I noticed that I was bleeding very little but enough to remember that my first miscarriage had also happened like that. Then I lost a kind of transparent white egg then a big loss of blood and pains (small contraction) which hurt horribly.

I have a lot of fears for my next pregnancy. I’m afraid to make a fake each time lying down.

Find the testimonial of mel2bert

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My pregnancy stopped, but he’s still here inside me

I have a 2 year old princess that I managed to have thanks to IVF we had to go back to the amp course when to our surprise we learn that I am naturally pregnant first echo we see the bag but no embryo yet 2nd echo a beautiful embryo we see and hear his heart gygy tells me that I also have a detachment but that it happens often so egg progesterone rest and no stress. Here we are 3 weeks later so last night bleeding heading to the emergency room I had an echo this morning and my pregnancy stopped 2 weeks ago but he is still there in me.

They gave me pills and I’m going back on Monday to take more pills and let him go. I’m apprehensive a lot I wonder how it’s going to be if I’m going to feel it pass…

Find the testimony of melanie5420

In charge of parenting for the aufeminin site, Nathalie is at your side to inform you about the essentials of the life of parents but also and above all to advise you, decipher -with the help of experts-…

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