“I haven’t stopped crying”: Kate Winslet moved to see Leonardo DiCaprio three years after their last meeting

Separated for three years due to their professional obligations and then the pandemic, Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio were recently able to meet again in Los Angeles. A moment of great emotion for the actress.

“It’s not like I’m in New York or he’s in London and there’s been a chance to have dinner or have coffee and make up for lost time. We have not been able to leave our countries (The United States and Great Britain, editor’s note). Like so many friendships around the world, we missed each other because of the Covid. He’s my friend, my very close friend. We are bound for life, ”Kate Winslet said in an interview with The Guardian.

When they finally found each other, they fell into each other’s arms. “I couldn’t stop crying. I’ve known him for half of my life! ”Insisted the 46-year-old actress, who shared the poster for Titanic (1997) and Les Noces Rebelles (2008) with him.

“Leo and I have a kind of telepathic connection, we’ve known each other for so long and we’ve managed to stay friends. I know what Leo thinks, I know how he works and it’s the same on his side, ”she had already declared in 2014. Same feeling on the side of the actor who had also highlighted their connection, according to the comments relayed a few years ago by the Daily Express: “We share the same sense of humor, we laugh at the same things, it prevents me from taking myself seriously. There is something magical between us ”.

“I think our friendship works because there has never been anything romantic between us, had analyzed Kate Winslet for the English version of the magazine Marie Claire. People are disappointed to hear this, because they like to imagine that we fell in love at first sight, but in reality this is not the case, ”she assured. According to her, Leonardo DiCaprio has always seen her as “one of his friends”. “I have never been a very girly woman,” she had also underlined.

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