I lost 10 kilos without dieting, here is the advice that worked given by my nutritionist

With the long-awaited arrival of sunny days, now is the time to get rid of those extra pounds, but it’s often easier said than done… To avoid the yoyo effect and permanently lose your curves , nothing like the advice of a nutritionist. Here are all the tips from a pro to lose weight sustainably without dieting.

As summer approaches, we all want to lose weight as quickly as possible. The classic solution, and unfortunately the most widespread, is often to eat much less, and often not enough, by following a low-calorie diet. which consists of reducing your daily caloric intake.
And in fact, at first it works wonderfully, and you lose a few pounds quickly. But it’s just window dressing in reality…

And yes, by starving your body, it will go into “survival” mode and go into overdrive, a bit like your smartphone in energy saving mode when the battery is too low. Result: you no longer lose a gram… But the worst is that you disrupt your body. And as soon as you start eating normally again, you store. Your body, not crazy, is in fact protecting itself from a future lean period. If eating less is not the solution then what?

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The concrete case of a patient who was unable to lose weight

On her Instagram account, Pauline Diet tells us the case of one of her patients who is unable to lose weight despite all her efforts. Stéphanie, 37 years old and a mother, has even fallen into a real vicious circle. She loses weight regularly but keeps gaining it back. A real nightmare for this mother who therefore “tried everything: Dukan diet, intermittent fasting, calorie deficit etc. But each time it didn’t work and she gained more weight.“Stephanie wanted to lose.”3 kg for the summer” but ended up with +10 kg very difficult to dislodge“.

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By studying this patient’s diet more closely, Pauline Diet realized that she was making many mistakes in her food choices.. And to help her followers not reproduce them, she details them in her post. If Stephanie “eats starchy foods with every meal, moves around a lot during the day, sleeps 8 hours a night and hydrates well“, she notices that she “eats few vegetables, avoids food categories and eats biscuits for breakfast due to lack of ideasand therefore finds himself “with cravings at the end of the day”. The nutritionist also notes that Stéphanie feels “quite stressed” which has the effect of preventing him from losing weight as well.

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Tips that work to lose weight sustainably

Thanks to Pauline Pied’s coaching, Stéphanie finally managed to lose 10 kilos in nine months and her weight has stabilized.. And, against all expectations, she did not offer him yet another diet. Quite the contrary… The secret is precisely not to go on a diet but to truly rebalance your diet to “lose weight permanently without dieting and without frustration” explains the nutritionist.

Here are the pillars of this slimming diet that Pauline Diet lists in her post :

  • Integrate cardiac coherence morning and evening to reduce stress.
  • Increase your magnesium intake (whole grains if tolerated, nuts, dark chocolate, etc.), possibly follow a course of magnesium bisglycinate to combat stress.
  • Gradually increase vegetable intake by cooking them to your liking.
  • Include a snack to 4 p.m. to reduce the cravings of the day.
  • Make a savory breakfast : toasted cereal bread with eggs and fresh fruit.

Finally, the nutritionist insists on an important point: “We must reintroduce all food categories because foods that make you gain weight and lose weight do not exist. In the long term, forbidding yourself from too many foods will increase your frustration. What can cause food compulsions and prevent you from achieving your goal.”

News journalist

A true jack-of-all-trades, passionate about travel, culture, society, people and beauty, Saliha writes for various media such as Escapade magazine, the GEOguide collection by Gallimard, Le Figaro…

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