“I needed greater freedom”: these employees who left their jobs to start their own business

TESTIMONIALS – They took the risk of giving up some comfort to become their own boss. As the dream has come true, how do they see their new life?

Leaving job security, giving up their salary level… This is the choice of many employees who give up their job to create their own company. And behind this decision lie various motivations.

According to the 2021 study by Bpifrance on the French Entrepreneurial Index, those who create or take over a business want above all to be their own boss, no longer to be an employee. This is the case of Pierre, 37, who quit his job as a doctor just over a year ago to launch Heavn, a dating app. “ I needed more freedom and to manage my schedules as I wanted. Even though I work more than before, I decide how to organize my days », He explains. This thirty-something refined the launch of his project for three years, at the same time as his work in a center for the fight against cancer. “ I worked…

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