“I suspected that I was going to trip”, Diane Leyre says (EXCLUDED)

Diane Leyre, Miss Ile-de-France, won the Miss France 2022 scarf on Saturday 11 December 2022, in Caen. She confides in aufeminin on her first hours as a queen of a year.

The election of Miss France 2022 took place on Saturday, December 11, 2021. The jury and the public decided it was Miss Île-de-France, Diane Leyre, who won the crown. During the prime, the 24-year-old Parisian stood out for her beauty, but also for her speeches. Indeed, when speaking at the time of the selection of the first 15 Misses, Diane Leyre was very comfortable. She even asked the audience to “adopt it for one year only”.

But her evening did not go without a hitch: during the parade in an evening dress, the young woman almost fell … If she stumbled, she did not let herself be downed and was able to set out again to assault of the crown. First hours of reign, reaction to the announcement of his victory, new notoriety, agreement with the other candidates… The new Miss France 2022 confided in aufeminin during an exclusive interview.

Diane Leyre, how did you feel when the results were announced?

It’s a very weird feeling. Already, when the 15 finalists were announced, I was the last to be called and it’s a very difficult place. You don’t know if you’re going to be called, but you stand for twenty minutes listening to each girl. You look to your left, to your right, you see Miss Bourgogne, Miss Limousin, Miss Midi-Pyrénées, and you say that everyone can be selected in this last place. When you hear your name, it’s a huge relief and at the same time, a pang in the heart to leave the girlfriends behind, because we have just taken the last place and it is very hard psychologically.

Afterwards, when the winner is announced, there is a half-second when you say to yourself: “It’s not possible”. There, in my head, there was the 4th runner-up, the 3rd runner-up, the 2nd runner-up, I thought they had announced the 1st runner-up and not the Miss France. And then I got it, I turned around, I saw my classmates in tears cheering for me. The thrill, I only felt it afterwards, when I saw my mom go on stage, but during, there is a kind of mechanism that is put in place, we are like frozen, lost.

You almost fell but that didn’t stop you from continuing, what did you think at that exact moment?

I suspected that at one point or another, it was going to happen because the dress was very long, that there were sequins on the stage… I saw Miss Alsace stumble just before, so I said to myself if she tripped, I’ll do that too, that’s for sure. In addition, I was not comfortable in the heels. But there was a crazy energy in Caen, we were very well received and the public encouraged me. Instinctively, I smiled and resumed as if nothing had happened, crossing my fingers so that my face was not in close-up when I “fell” (laughs).

How did those around you react to the announcement of your victory?

My relatives were very moved, very proud. My father’s first words were: “I never doubted”. But it’s normal for him to say that, it’s my dad (laughs). Everyone was very happy for me and they can’t wait to live this dream through me.

How was your first day and how do you manage your notoriety in these first hours of reign?

Since yesterday, I have been doing interviews, I have done photo shoots… These are moments of meetings. The hours of sleep are rare, but here it is, it’s still great because I am pampered and accompanied by a very benevolent team.

At the moment, I don’t realize. I don’t have much access to my phone so I have no idea how big it is. It is true that during my first trips, I see fans in front of the places where we are. Sounds weird, but right now there’s no riot (laughs), so it’s okay! I think what’s going to make me weird is the first time someone’s going to tell me: “Excuse me, Diane Leyre” and that my name will sound different in people’s heads. Before, Diane Leyre was just Diane Leyre, the baker recognizes me, because I often go to her bakery, but from now on, Diane Leyre will be Miss France 2022 in people’s minds. I still have time to get used to it, even though I went from 20,000 followers on Instagram to 500,000 …

You were already popular on Instagram. Do you think this worked in favor of your election?

Of course, it helped me. When I did Miss Paris, I had barely 2000 subscribers. Then, people started to follow me. I did a lot of live with my community. Indeed, the photos were not necessarily what I wanted to highlight because I find that it gives a different image of oneself. I am someone who loves to talk, I have a fairly natural and spontaneous personality and it is true that for me, the photo is too frozen and can return a haughty image. I wanted to offer different content and I think I won over an audience thanks to that. This audience carried me, but it is also the account of the PSG which tweeted its desire to vote for me … I think it is also the fact that I tried to mobilize France in general and not than my region because it is multicultural and all the regions live in Île-de-France.

How was the understanding between the candidates for the election of Miss France 2022?

This year, there was a great promotion. We all said to ourselves that it was useless to put sticks in the wheels because anyway, everything is played on the evening of December 11 and that it is the public and the jury who decide. So in the end, apart from having a less fortunate adventure, it is of no interest. Of course, we are in a competition, but the goal is to show who we are and not to eliminate or erase one. So the more natural and caring we are, the more we are ourselves, the better.

Which former Miss France do you identify with and why?

I identify with Amandine Petit. I saw her during this month of preparation and she is great. What I like about her is that the first thing that we remember about her is her presence and her eloquence, even before her beauty. Then I really like the energy and the fights of Laury Thilleman (committed against sexism and ecology, Editor’s note).

What do you hope for this year 2022 as Miss France?

I hope to find out who Diane Leyre is, Miss France 2022, because we do not really know what kind of Miss we will be at the beginning of the adventure. I can’t wait to meet the public. But also enjoy 100% because it will pass very quickly …

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