“I want to name my baby the same name as my friend’s stillborn child, but she never told me”

Naming your child can be complicated, especially for this woman who found herself faced with a delicate situation. After choosing the first name of her future granddaughter, she discovers that it is in fact the first name of the stillborn child of one of her friends. She asks advice from Internet users.

Finding a name for your baby can be a real treasure hunt. Between books specializing in first names and websites that offer you all kinds of first names, the choice is wide! For others, the search can be easier when they already have an idea in mind, old family names, first letter already selected, or family tradition, a baby name can take many forms. While some parents prefer to wait until they see their children’s faces to choose their first name, others set up a short list to make their task easier.

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Once the famous short list has been made, you have to be careful. Indeed, if you choose to reveal the selected first names to those around you, you may find yourself facing many comments. This is also what happened to this mother, Jolene, who tells her story on the community forum Reddit.

The choice of first name: a complicated story

It is with Internet users of the Reddit community forum that the mother tells her story. Not knowing what to do anymore, she asks for advice on whether she should keep the first name chosen for her daughter or if she should change it. She explains that when she discovered that her baby was going to be a girl, she fell in love with the name Adelaide: “ I first heard of this name when I was a child and thought it was beautiful, and decided that if I ever had a daughter, I would name her Adelaide. »

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She was seven months pregnant when she decided to reveal her daughter’s future first name to those around her. A revelation that hits home with one of her friends, who from the moment she discovers the first name of the future little girl, completely changes her behavior. She explains that this famous friend, Ruth, tragically lost a baby who died at birth about two years ago: “ Despite her trauma, she was never less than kind and empathetic towards me, until one day [j’ai annoncé le nom de ma fille]. »

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A first name shared by her stillborn baby

Although at first Ruth tried to convince Jolene and her husband to change the name of their future daughter, she finally told the truth when she realized that they would not: “ We kept refusing, until finally my friend started crying and revealed that Adelaide was the name she had chosen for her stillborn baby. » A real surprise for the mother-to-be, since her friend had never revealed her baby’s first name to anyone. It is then that Ruth takes out the friendship card and tells her friend that if she chooses to keep the same first name for her daughter, she will consider it a lack of respect to the memory of her baby.

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“She said if I chose the same name, my daughter would be a living reminder of what could have been. » explains Jolene. Even if the mother understands her friend’s pain, she wonders if she should change the first name of her own child to avoid hurting her friend. A question on which Internet users are divided. If some advise her to choose a different name to avoid losing a friendship or simply not to hurt this very dear friend, others say that she should not change anything! And what would you have done?

The people? A whole world! Passionate about the media, networks, series, films, and investigative investigations of all kinds, it was naturally that Jessica turned to writing and that she takes…

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