I was an authoritarian parent who pushed my children to excel and the Wu Wei approach changed my philosophy

What is Wu Wei, this Chinese philosophy that would be beneficial for the education of children? A mother gives her testimony.

Each parent educates their children in their own way and to the best of their ability. But what influence can the culture of our societies ultimately have on our choices? An American woman gave a long testimony on her method of education and her awareness thanks to the Chinese Wu Wei approach. Ava Sinclair says she’s always been a “helicopter parent”. That is to say, she monitored “the smallest actions and gestures” of his children. For her, it was the best way to guarantee their success.

Then the family moved to China. “When I arrived, I was confronted with a parenting style radically different from my own,” explains the mother. In China, parents do not monitor their children’s studies. Confused by this, Ava Sinclair realized that they were applying the Wu Wei philosophy, which translates to “non-action” Or “effortless action”. “Wu Wei promotes the idea of ​​natural action – doing what is necessary without unnecessary effort or force.” A philosophy radically different from his own.

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How to apply the Wu Wei approach in your education?

But this mother decided to experiment with Wu Wei in her style of education. So, instead of pushing her children to excel, she began to “guide them, let them take the lead”. “I encouraged their curiosity and allowed them to explore their interests at their own pace.” Concretely, the mother of the family has stopped interfering in her children’s studies and extracurricular activities. Replacing this constant supervision by trust his children seemed “happier, more confident and, surprisingly, more motivated.” “They began to take responsibility for their learning, demonstrating a motivation that was self-instigated rather than imposed”she explains.

For this mother, the observation is clear: this change in communication allowed her to understand that each of her children is a unique individual with different passions. And ultimately the whole family benefited from this transformation. “This journey also taught me the importance of aligning one’s actions with one’s true nature. For my children, that meant pursuing their passions at their own pace. For me, it meant letting go of control and trusting their abilities.”. And you, does this tempt you?

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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