“I would like to go down to 120 kilos”, Marianne James explains why she cannot lose weight

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This Thursday, February 9, Marianne James spoke with Gala and notably addressed her battle with her weight. The singer gave herself up with an open heart.

Marianne James, who has her own anti-wrinkle trick for less than 20 euros, is a real character, which she herself has created over the years. A sparkling woman, playing with her fan, with an easy pike and a powerful voice. Marianne James, in all its glory. So when it comes to talk about his weight, the singer does not look down, and proudly claims it. She had rightly told the magazine Current wifeon January 24: “I’m so proud. Put on my weight well, I care about it and I have no problem saying it”.

This is the character Marianne James. The wife Marianne James, whom no one would want to change for anything in the world. The opera singer uses his strength of character and his confidence ironclad, speaking in particular of his weight loss and his experience for fight fatphobia, of which she has unfortunately been a victim for years. Like many other artists or other women, period. She thus uses her voice for purposes other than song, and puts it at the service of what is right.

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Marianne James “It’s a real failure, but I accept it”

Faced with obesity, the star unfortunately knows too much the ‘yo-yo’ effect. Losing weight to regain it later … About diets and her battle with her weight, which she decided to stop, the singer confided in Gala this Thursday, February 9: “I would like to go back down to 120 kilos, I felt good. But I yo-yoed too much with my weight and there, it stings! It’s a real failure, but I accept it”she first explained.

The juror of France has an unbelievable talent later said, after confessing that she has now stopped “fighting with his unconscious” : I’m careful not to put on extra pounds. And stopping gaining weight is already somewhat of a diet for someone who is gaining weight like me. I eat like two, so I’m the weight of two, but I move like one. We won’t look any further”, she confided. That is what is said, and we all wish each other to reach this same level of assurance. Thank you Marianne, for the example.


Cannes native of Toulouse, Déborah loves shopping as much as supporting her favorite rugby team. A true writing enthusiast, she reveals all the scoops and latest…

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