Identitarian movement – Police operation because of Martin Sellner in the canton of Aargau – News

  • Martin Sellner is considered an influential mastermind of the controversial right-wing extremist “Identitarian Movement”.
  • The Austrian traveled to Switzerland for an event. The cantonal police intervened in Tegerfelden.
  • She stopped the controversial speaker and prevented him from appearing.

As the Aargau cantonal police confirmed to SRF, Sellner’s personal details were recorded and an expulsion order was issued. According to a media spokeswoman, the owner of the venue banned the organizers from using it during the course of Saturday. The man then contacted the cantonal police.

They then informed the organizers that Sellner’s appearance would not be tolerated in order to protect public safety. According to the police spokeswoman, there were also political opponents of Sellner on site. The situation on site is currently calm.

Affair about “secret meetings” with the AFD

There had already been resistance to the planned lecture in advance. According to the NZZ, the Zurich cantonal police demanded that the federal government impose an entry ban on Sellner because it was originally assumed that he would appear in the canton of Zurich. The Federal Office of Police Fedpol is responsible for entry bans. According to the NZZ, it is not known whether Sellner was charged with such an offense.

Martin Sellner performing in Chemnitz, Germany


Martin Sellner at a performance in Chemnitz, Germany (02/23/24)

KEYSTONE/DPA/Sebastian Willnow

In January, Martin Sellner is said to have propagated the mass deportation of foreigners at a meeting in Potsdam, Germany, in front of members of the AfD and CDU parties. This meeting became public through the work of a research network.

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