If you lack fitness motivation: This trick always works

Fitness motivation
This trick always motivates you to do sports

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Is your fitness motivation waning a bit as summer comes to a close? We can understand that well. We have a few helpful tips on how you can get started again before the sporting hibernation threatens.

Motivation is in relation to Fitness is often a sticking point. Because while the next appearance in a bikini seems a long way off in winter, in summer it is often too hot for a sweaty workout. And at any other time of year, something different always comes up! Do you feel the same way we do? If so, we can certainly help you with our six tips and one infallible trick.

Fitness Motivation: Where We Find It and How to Maintain It

Short-term motivation often comes quickly: when you see a model, after a health check at the doctor, the turn of the year and so on. But the difficulty is usually keeping the good resolution in mind in the long term and developing a fitness routine. Routine is a good keyword here: only when exercise is part of our everyday lives do we really have our problem under control.

1. Tip: Create a routine

Hence that Tip number one: Make sport an integral part of your everyday life. It’s not about exercising several times a week. Depending on how flexible you are with your everyday life, ideally you should always plan on the same day. After a while, you simply stop thinking about whether you want to exercise today or not. It is Tuesday; Today is sports day, ready! There’s nothing to think about. And if you don’t think about whether you want to do sports today, you won’t realize that the couch is a much more attractive alternative. Sounds quite logical, right?!

If you have to adapt more to external influences, you should still make a weekly plan as early as possible. The same applies here: If you don’t ask yourself every day whether you have the time or desire to exercise today, but rather you anticipated this decision days ago, the answer is much more likely to be ‘yes’. After all, “sports on Thursday” still sounds far away and completely harmless when you plan on Monday.

2nd tip: Keep your initial fitness motivation in mind

At Tip number two It’s all about your own focus. Whatever motivates you to do sports: Regularly become aware of what your actual fitness motivation is. So you can, for example little motivational sayings like “Today I’m doing something for my health!” Stick it somewhere visible or on your calendar. It might sound a bit strange, but it works.

3rd tip: Be consciously grateful and proud

Be consciously grateful is our tip number three. Advice that also sounds quite simple but is still important. After your training, actively reflect on what you and your body have just achieved and be proud. You can then remind yourself of this good feeling the next time your fitness motivation hits a low. To do this, you can, for example, keep a gratitude diary in which you write something similar on your sports days such as “I am grateful for what my body has achieved today” or “I am grateful that I was able to get myself to exercise despite my busy schedule.”

Tip 4: Document and celebrate successes

Our next tip follows directly here. Document and celebrate your successes. Whether it’s baby steps or big jumps – or even a small step backwards – record your training results. It’s really easy with one Fitness tracker, which, in addition to specific training information, also keeps an eye on your health thanks to a heart rate monitor. But a simple handwritten training diary also serves this purpose. Then stick to the motto “Celebrate the festivals as they come” and regularly reward yourself for your efforts, for example with a massage or a new one Sports mat. Tip number four is therefore: You can also look forward to partial successes.

This one is suitable for recording your sporting development Training diary, also called Fitness Journal. In addition to space for your notes, you will also find an area where you can record how long you sleep and how much you drink. Especially those who do sports should make sure they get enough rest and the necessary fluid intake.

Tip 5: Trick yourself

Do you know the following problem? Have you planned your training for the late afternoon or evening, but then you have to change and go – and that already seems like an insurmountable hurdle? No trace of fitness motivation. But what if you’ve been in your yoga outfit since morning or lunch break and don’t need to change first? It sounds so simple, but we can say from our own experience: it helps. Instead of “I don’t feel like changing,” think “I’ve already got these things on…” Tip number five is therefore: Put on your favorite sports outfit as early as possible.

6. Tip: A new outfit needs to be presented

This is exactly where it closes immediately Tip number six and therefore THE unbeatable tip that (unfortunately) always works for us women: If fitness motivation weakens, buy yourself a new sports outfit or have one in mind. Yes, the saver screams “Stop!” and we can’t use the trick all the time. But with the new one Top or the new one leggings You immediately feel better and of course you want to do it. Sure, we don’t think the gym is a catwalk either, but in this respect it always works.

Extra tip:

Our extra tip is a question of type and therefore not suitable for everyone. keyword “Sports Buddy”. For those who like to be carried away by others, a “fellow sufferer” is the perfect fitness motivation. Others, on the other hand, become demotivated too quickly if their training partner cancels, or become distracted too easily while exercising. It’s best to give it a try and see whether fitness training with your best friend actually leads to more regular exercise sessions.

All the tips summarized here:

  1. Develop a routine
  2. Keep the goal in mind
  3. Be consciously grateful for sporting achievements
  4. Document training and celebrate (partial) successes
  5. Overcome hurdles/get them out of the way
  6. Buy a new sports outfit
  7. Extra tip: Find a sports buddy

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