Ifop poll: “Piss off the unvaccinated”, limited political damage for Macron

61% of French people believe that Emmanuel Macron was wrong to say that he wanted to “piss off” the unvaccinated and 54% of them say they are shocked according to our Ifop survey for Paris Match.

Three days after Emmanuel Macron’s flamethrower statements in “Le Parisien” against the unvaccinated, the French are finally less shocked than disapproving. Condemned by all his oppositions, the virulent remarks of the President of the Republic divide the French into almost two equal parts. 54% of them according to our Ifop survey say they are shocked by his sentence “the unvaccinated, I really want to piss them off” and 61% believe that he was wrong to say that. Unsurprisingly, the voters of La République en Marche largely support Emmanuel Macron. They are the only ones besides. The condemnation is unanimous among voters from other political parties: 85% among rebels; 81% among supporters of the radical right (Eric Zemmour and Nicolas Dupont-Aignan); 74% among environmentalists; 65% among lepénistes but only 52% in LR and 57% in the PS.

Big risk, small benefit for the president

Likewise, the president is only supported by retirees (56% of them are not shocked). 72% of the youngest think he was wrong and 71% of popular categories. Logically, finally, the unvaccinated are very reassembled (89% shocked, 92% believe that he was wrong). The vaccinated, them, are only… shared, with all the same a majority who disapprove (56%) but half (51%) are not shocked.

All in all, the head of state’s offensive against the anti-Vaxes does not cause as much damage in public opinion as the oppositions and commentators predicted. The big risk taken by Emmanuel Macron even results in a small profit. Not to mention that he put the Republicans and their candidate Valérie Pécresse at odds. A third of LR deputies voted against the vaccine pass, a third abstained and the rest followed the position of the patron of the Ile-de-France region. Calculated or not, the political coup of the president-candidate, which he assumed this Friday during his joint press conference with Ursula von der Layen, therefore seems successful if it consisted in weakening one of his main opponents at the ‘presidential election. In the latest polls on presidential voting intentions published since his remarks against anti-vaxes, Emmanuel Macron has so far not lost ground.

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