Ile-de-France: the opposition wants a study on the opening to competition of transport

At the beginning of January, the Minister Delegate for Transport, Clément Beaune, had said that he could not rule out postponing this opening to competition, the timetable for which is defined by a law of 2009, in the event of a risk of disruption of the Olympic Games. JeanLuc Ichard /

The left believes that the end of the RATP’s monopoly on buses in 2025 generates “serious concerns among local elected officials, transport operator staff, user associations”.

The left-wing opposition to the LR president of Ile-de-France, Valérie Pécresse, asks her to launch an information and evaluation mission (MIE) on the opening to competition of public transport in the Ile-de-France region, then that the RATP’s monopoly on buses must end at the beginning of 2025.

This deadline, as well as the prospect of the gradual opening up of the rail network to competition, hasserious concerns among local elected officials, transport operator staff, user associations“, write in a letter distributed Monday the communist, rebellious, socialist and environmentalist groups of the regional council to justify an investigation group made up of elected officials.

In concrete terms, the competition for the Ile-de-France bus network “already generates social and organizational difficulties within the operators», affirm the elected representatives of the left for whom «many regulatory, social and technical aspects have not been settled less than 20 months before the transfer of the 19,000 RATP employeesconcerned. They also point to the risk oftelescopingwith the 2024 Olympics, which will take place six months earlier.

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At the beginning of January, the Minister Delegate for Transport, Clément Beaune, said he did not rule out postponing this opening to competition, the timetable for which is defined by a 2009 law, in the event of a risk of disruption of the Olympics. All the unions of the Régie are opposed to the loss of its monopoly, hence the fear of strikes, in addition to a possible disorganization of the service. But Valérie Pécresse has since reaffirmed her intention to stick to the initial schedule, refusing to “give in to blackmail» vis-à-vis a «minority of staff“.

After putting buses in the outer suburbs into competition, IDFM (Ile-de-France Mobilités) divided up the current RATP monopoly in the heart of the Paris region into twelve lots.

TO HAVE ALSO – Valérie Pécresse announces the partial reimbursement of the Navigo pass due to the deterioration of transport

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