Ilona Smet wife and mother fulfilled: marriage, pregnancy, baby… she shares very intimate unpublished videos

The year 2022 has undoubtedly been the most beautiful for Ilona Smet. On the occasion of the transition to the new year, the daughter of Estelle Lefébure shared the summary of the past year by revealing unpublished videos of her marriage or her pregnancy, on her Instagam account.

She is a young bride and a young mother happier than ever. To celebrate the transition to the new year, on December 31, 2022, Ilona Smet shared a retrospective of her year. In a montage shared on her Instagram account, she revealed many unpublished videos of her marriage, her pregnancy or her first steps as a mother. Images that allow his fans to go a little further into his intimacy. If Estelle Lefébure’s daughter is used to being very discreet about her private life, she agreed to bend her rule to pay tribute to the year 2022 which completely changed her life. “The happiest and most amazing year of my life. Thanks 2022“, she also wrote in the caption of the assembly.

At the very beginning of the video, we can discover a unique moment of her marriage to Kamran Ahmed, during a short drive with her husband. Both seem to be happier than ever to have said “yes” to life. Ilona Smet then revealed pictures of her baby bump. In front of the mirror, the young woman has immortalized her pregnancy at many times. She always dreamed of starting her family so she took full advantage of her rounded belly. The end of 2022 was marked by the birth of his son. Again, the mother of the family has revealed new moments of her life with her son. We can see her cuddling him, making him laugh or even helping him decorate the Christmas tree.

Ilona Smet had a dream year

Moments of happiness that the young woman wanted to share with her subscribers, so happy and grateful is she for the year she has been able to live. She could never have imagined feeling so much happiness and love.

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