“I’m a chef and here is the ranking of pasta dishes to order in a restaurant, from best to worst”

Attention all pasta dish lovers. Chefs revealed which ones you absolutely must try when dining out and which ones to avoid. We tell you everything.

The French are fans of pasta. It must be said that they come in almost all shapes. Some of them became essential elements of certain dishes loved by all. And to treat yourself, what could be better than tasting them when they are concocted by professionals?

Foodies will agree that Italian restaurants remain the best place to enjoy pasta dishes. And good news, chefs revealed to Huffington Post which ones to order and which ones to avoid.

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The best pastas to order at a restaurant

Among the pastas to favor when dining out, we include tagliatelle, the French favorite. This great classic is often handmade. According to the chefs interviewed, it is an excellent way to judge the quality of an establishment. Same logic for spaghetti. Very popular, their cooking is very difficult to miss. According to Nadia Caterina Munno, chef and author of the book Pasta Queen, they are also homemade because they are part of the iconic shapes.

Then, we can always count on the rifle. This spiral shape allows the sauce to be distributed evenly and therefore enjoyed in every bite. They are perfect in salads or with creamy sauces. THE tortellini, stuffed pasta, are also among the chefs’ favorites. They allow you to get creative with the stuffing ingredients. “They can be a vehicle for the sauce or broth to get into the cracks of the dough and when this is married with a harmonious topping, there is a real synergy”, explained Dane Baldwin, chef in Wisconsin, to the media.

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Pastas to avoid

If certain pastas are safe bets, others should be avoided according to the chefs. This is the case of cappellini which are spaghetti-shaped but even thinner. As Marcellino Verzino, a chef in Arizona, Italy, explains, they are only used in soups. They are very difficult to prepare due to their shape. This is because they can quickly be overcooked and combined with a sauce can result in a porridge-like consistency.

THE gnocchi, made from potatoes, should also be avoided in restaurants. “If the ingredients are simple, it is a challenge and often they are bought ready-made. Unfortunately, if they are not fresh or made by a specialist, they can be slimy and unpleasant to eat”, said Gianluca Gugliemi, chef in California. Finally, we end with the penne. This tube-shaped pasta doesn’t hold the sauce well enough and can be a real disappointment. Now you have all the cards in hand to choose your pasta dish at the restaurant. Which one will you bet on during your next outing?


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