I'm always thirsty: what it says about my health: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Thirst, a symptom of type 2 diabetes

Why ? When there is too much sugar in the blood and the blood sugar rises abnormally, the body eliminates it by sending it in the urine, which triggers an immediate call for additional water. " A part is directly drawn from that of the body, but this is not enough, hence the thirst. In fact, to successfully dissolve this excess sugar, whose molecules are large, it needs large quantities of water ", decrypts Professor Jean-Jacques Altman, diabetologist at the European Hospital Georges Pompidou in Paris. The process is tedious and the body becomes dehydrated the more one urinates profusely. In the end, an intense and persistent thirst Be careful: in France, 800,000 people would be diabetic without knowing it.

The right attitude: Have a blood test for fasting blood sugar. The normal is between 0.70 and 1.10 g / liter of blood. If the result is higher, without reaching 1.26 g / l, do not panic, the threat of diabetes is still reversible if this hyperglycemia is treated quickly. On the other hand, if the blood sugar level exceeds 1.26 g / l, diabetes is proven. A treatment, including dietary measures – foods rich in fiber and with a low glycemic index (vegetables, starchy foods, whole grains, legumes), low in fat – will stabilize it.

Hyperthyroidism can explain the feeling of thirst

Why ? The thyroid is the metabolic control tower. Also, when the production of thyroid hormones takes off, it is the whole body that switches to overspeed. " We are constantly hot, even when the temperature is rather cool, and we sweat profusely. You feel brutal flushes at any time, accompanied by sweating. To which are added fatigue, tachycardia and an accelerated transit, sometimes producing several stools per day, or even diarrhea ", decrypts the endocrinologist-nutritionist Pierre Nys, author of Protect and treat your thyroid (Leduc.s éditions). All these excessive metabolic reactions precipitate the loss of water from the organism and since the latter eliminates, by the way, much more waste, since it burns at high speed the lipids, proteins and lipids swallowed, the emissions of urine also make inflation. Result: an insatiable thirst which translates the urgency to restore the vital quota in body water.

The right attitude: Have the blood level of the hormone TSH, which indicates the functioning of the thyroid, measured. It is low in case of hyperthyroidism, because the pituitary gland in the brain minimizes hormonal secretions to try to control the surge. The normal is between 0.15 and 3.5 mU. Below 0.15 mU, hyperthyroidism is suspected, a blood test of the hormones T3 and T4 is then made to validate the diagnosis. An ultrasound scan of the thyroid, supplemented by a scintigraphy, will identify a possible enlargement (goiter) or nodules, which may be responsible for over-stimulation of the gland. The treatment most often involves synthetic antithyroid drugs that block the thyroid and put it to rest, which brings balance.

Thirst: what if it was because of an endocrine disorder?

Why ? In medical jargon, it is "diabetes insipidus", but, despite the similarity of the name, this pathology has nothing to do with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. The causes? Either it is the pituitary gland which no longer produces enough anti-diuretic hormone, essential to stabilize the body's water volume, or it is the kidneys which have become insensitive to this hormone. Result: " The body fails to maintain its water balance and it is abnormally eliminated, which results in the production of an impressive urine volume, called polyuria, which can reach ten liters per day! People find themselves truly dehydrated on a cellular level. It is this excessive urinary loss that triggers thirst ", decodes Dr. Nys.

The right attitude: Consult, in order to set up with the doctor a "water restriction test" over several hours. Translation: we totally stop drinking. Suffice to say a torment for those who are thirsty, but " this is the best way to check whether or not the kidneys are able to concentrate urine ", indicates Dr. Nys. If the urine does not decrease, biological renal and / or pituitary investigations are carried out (search for abnormal sodium regulation, assay of the anti-diuretic hormone …), coupled with medical imaging, to establish treatment.

Another possible explanation: Goujerot-Sjögren syndrome

Why ? In this autoimmune disease, which affects women ten times more than men, " certain immunity cells, lymphocytes, infiltrate the salivary glands, which partially destroys them. In addition, local inflammatory mechanisms are triggered which penalize the functioning of the few salivary glands that remain. In the end, there is no more, or very little, secretion of saliva and a very strong dry mouth sets in, causing thirst. ", explains Professor Pierre-Yves Hatron, head of the internal medicine department at the Lille CHRU.

The right attitude: First, we are reassured: " there is no link between the severity of dry mouth, dry syndrome, and the severity of the disease (which includes other conditions). You can be excessively and painfully thirsty, without severe systemic impairment ", emphasizes Professor Hatron. A drug treatment based on pilocarpine hydrochloride may be prescribed to locally improve dry syndrome. Salivary spray substitutes (not reimbursed) are also an option, but their effectiveness varies from patient to patient. Finally, chewing gum without sugar regularly stimulates the salivary secretion of the glands which are still free.

It may be related to an imbalance linked to nicotine withdrawal

Why ? The thirst felt is good news, because it announces the return to normal of the oral and nasal mucous membranes. " When you smoke, the tissues of the respiratory mucous membranes swell with water in response to the irritation and inflammation you experience. In quitting smoking, the inflammation disappears and, in fact, the defense reaction hydration too, the ex-smoker thus goes through a transient phase of local dehydration while the natural secretions of the mucous membranes are re-establishing. Knowing that nicotine substitutes (chewing gum …) modify the oral water balance and slightly dry out. Ditto for e-cigarette liquids, for those who quit using it ", specifies Professor Bertrand Dautzenberg, pulmonologist at La Pitié-Salpétrière hospital in Paris.

The right attitude: Use thermal water sprays and locally soak the mouth as often as necessary. And be patient! This uncomfortable dehydration disappears in 15 days on average, even if it takes a year for a complete recovery of the mucous membranes.

Insufficient hydration

Why: We forget it, but water constitutes 60% of our weight and in three situations, we squander squarely our stocks, without necessarily taking care to readjust them. During pregnancy, it is a bonus of 6 to 8 liters of water that the maternal body needs to satisfy both the blood volume which increases by 40 to 50%, the 85% water of the placenta, the amniotic fluid and the 80 to 90% water in the baby's body. During breastfeeding, milk, composed of 85-87% water, increases the risk of dehydration on a daily basis. Finally, any physical activity, even moderate, activates the losses. " With running at moderate speed alone, you lose 0.5 to 1 L of water per hour. If you accelerate, it can climb to 1.5 to 2.5 L per hour ", warns Anne-Lize Duval, coach specializing in athletics and sports nutrition, co-author of My running book (Eyrolles editions).

The right attitude: In everyday life, in all cases, we drink 1.5 L of liquid (water, infusion, tea …). We go up to 2 liters if pregnant, nausea is recurrent and in case of heat wave. To rehydrate well after sport, a tip: "we weigh ourselves before then after and multiply the difference in weight by 1.5. This corresponds to the volume of water to be ingested in addition to the usual hydration. Example: before, you weighed 55 kg, after 53, or 2 kg X 1.5 = 3 L more drinking water ", advises the coach.

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⋙ Dehydration: 8 symptoms that should alert you in case of hot weather

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