“I’m doing very, very well”: Krawzow survives brain tumor surgery

“I am very, very well”
Krawzow survives brain tumor surgery

Elena Krawzow has probably won her biggest fight for the time being. A brain tumor had to get out. And that only nine weeks after their gold triumph in Tokyo. There is still a chance of a complete cure.

Paralympics winner Elena Krawzow survived her serious surgery for a brain tumor. “I’m awake again and I am very, very well! The operation went very well. My genius doctor thinks he was able to remove everything. I have no neurological deficits and I feel better and happier than ever before. That makes me very satisfied, “said the swimmer, who had just turned 28, on Instagram after the procedure in the Berlin Charite.

On Tuesday, Krawzow married her long-time friend and trainer Phillip Semechin (36) near Berlin. “He should just have full powers if something happens.” Before the operation in Berlin, Krawzow had already reported “with good news”: “The tumor is probably benign, there is a prospect of a complete cure. First of all, I am happy about this news, because I can and will live.”

The visually impaired swimmer, who had won gold over the 100 m chest in Tokyo, had a tumor in the left upper hemisphere after attacks of dizziness. This turned out to be a “diffuse astrocytoma with WHO classification 2”, reported Krawzow. Diffuse means that there is no sharp demarcation from the surrounding brain tissue.

She hoped, wrote the Berliner, “that after the operation the same Elena wakes up again as she does now, that is my greatest wish.” But she is quite sure of that: “I have a strong and positive attitude. That’s why it can only end well!”

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