“I’m learning to bow!” : the famous House of canelés Baillardran is preparing to receive Charles III in Bordeaux

King Charles III and his wife, Queen Consort Camilla, will visit Bordeaux on March 28, 2023. AFPP

On the occasion of his visit to Bordeaux on March 28, the King of England chose to taste the canelés of Maison Baillardran where he will be received around noon.

Le Figaro Bordeaux

I’m learning to bow! “, confides with a smile Angèle Baillardran. The director of the eponymous canelés house is preparing to receive the King of England, Charles III, on March 28. He will be visiting Bordeaux with his wife, Queen Consort Camilla, on the sidelines of his first state visit to France which will begin two days earlier in Paris. Three weeks before this moment which promises to beunusual“, Angèle Baillardran is waiting to learn more about the royal protocol to refine this particular tasting.

We do not address him as we address everyone. I still don’t know how I’m going to receive it“, she specifies, “happy and flatteredof this visit which she did not request.

“An honor”

Aware that “it is an honor» to receive Her Majesty in one of her Bordeaux boutiques, the director of Maison Baillardran is proud to present her the specialty «which has been part of our culinary heritage since the XVIe century“.

A tough guy with a soft heart often enjoyed with the favorite hot drink of the British. “I am not a specialist in English tea, it will be French“, already warns, laughing Angèle Baillardran.

SEE ALSO – United Kingdom: this bed with an incredible story could be chosen by Charles III to spend the night of his coronation

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