Yanis Darras
modified to
09:42, January 17, 2023
Senator LR from Vendée Bruno Retailleau was the guest this Tuesday morning of Europe 1. At the microphone of Sonia Mabrouk, the President of the Republicans at the Luxembourg Palace returned to the future immigration bill presented by the majority, which will be examined by the Senate next March. A text widely criticized by Senator LR, who wants there to be “no regularization of workers”.
Measures to make “the obligations to leave French territory” more effective, facilitate the integration of immigrant workers… Last November, Gérald Darmanin unveiled his bill on immigration. Objective for the Minister of the Interior: to show more firmness towards those who commit crimes, while facilitating the arrival of newcomers who can work in jobs in tension.
“All professions are in tension”
Invited this Tuesday morning on Europe 1, Senator LR was particularly opposed to the project carried by the former mayor of Tourcoing. “This text will open the floodgates of immigration even more”, estimates Bruno Retailleau at the microphone of Europe 1. In question, the possibility of the creation of a residence permit for trades in tension. “All professions are in tension”, he annoys. And then, there is “the creation of a second counter for those who have been rejected for the right of asylum who will be able to cling on in particular to this famous residence permit”, assures the president of the LRs in the Senate.
But the latter considers that he can vote for the text, nevertheless under two conditions: “First, that there is a principle of zero regularization. Illegal immigrants who enter France must know that they will never be able to claim regularization. Second thing : the restoration of illegal residence which had been abolished by François Hollande”, he explains.
Fail situation
Objective for Bruno Retailleau: to avoid too much regularization of workers with a residence permit for shortage occupations. Because for him, “this text (promoted by Darmanin) is not a text that wants to reduce immigration. It is a text that is at the same time”. And to add: “We have been looking for compromises on immigration for 30 years. If it were passed, this law would be the 22nd of its kind” over this period.
Policies in a situation of failure, he believes, even as Europe finds itself faced with a new wave of immigration, with more than 330,000 illegal passages to its soil in 2022, indicates Frontex.
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