In an Italian region, the authorities want to move the bears after the death of a jogger

Antonino Galofaro / Photo credit: Christian Cabron / Biosphoto / Biosphoto via AFP

In Italy, a bear was in the sights of authorities after killing a jogger in early March. The province of Trentino is indeed populated by a hundred bears after a reintroduction plan launched in the 1990s. If they do not want to kill these animals, the authorities still want to move them. But how to do it ?

Italian bear JJ4 can breathe. He has his life saved for the time being, an administrative court having suspended the order to slaughter this female living in Trentino, in the north of the peninsula, which was in the sights of the authorities after having killed a jogger at the start. of the month.

“Unthinkable” for animal associations

Because a hundred brown bears today inhabit the mountainous and wooded areas of the autonomous province of Trentino, while the reintroduction plan launched at the end of the 1990s provided for only about half of them. To limit the risk of future accidents, the local authorities therefore want to relocate these bears.

It remains to know how to do it. Ivana Sandri, from the local animal association ENPA is very skeptical. “It’s completely unthinkable! How do they plan to capture them? The forest police only have two or three traps. And where do they intend to send them? Since in Italy and abroad there are no place that can accommodate them.”

The locals no longer want to live near the animal

Just around Caldes, the victim’s village, there are at least 15 bears. Achille Leonardi lives a hundred meters from the house of the missing young man. Out of the question for him to cohabit with the animal. “I think displacement is the only possible solution. Unless we accept animalist colonialism, which claims that man completely abandons his own habitat, his own forest,” he says.

The Italian authorities want to leave behind only the minimum number of bears essential to the survival of the species.

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