in bronze, the Bleues du basket finish their tournament in style

Seventeen hours is not much. Especially to forget a cruel disappointment. Thrown the day before by Japan in the semi-finals of the Tokyo Olympics, the Blue basketball players did not have time to procrastinate before getting back in the saddle. Saturday August 7, the French women’s basketball team won in the small final of the competition against Serbia (91-76).

“If we are frustrated, we have to put this frustration in the game of [samedi] “, had exposed the French coach, Valérie Garnier after the disillusionment against the Japanese. Manhandled by the grinta of leader Rui Machida (18 assists, new Olympic record) in the semifinals, Sandrine Gruda’s teammates were thirsty for revenge. Especially since the opponent had acquired the annoying habit of beating them in high-stakes matches – two defeats in the Euro final, in 2015 and this year, and in the small final of the Rio Games.

Read also Tokyo 2021 Olympics: beaten by Japan, the Blue basketball players fail to reach the final

“We’re going to have to re-mobilize because we don’t want to leave here with regrets”, warned Captain Nwal-Endéné Miyem. Gathered since mid-May to chain two competitions (Euro, then Olympics), the Blue did not want to finish, once again, with a defeat. They therefore attacked the recent European champions without hesitation.

Faced with a team with a game more suited to that of the Blue – especially in the search for indoor players – that the twirling Japanese, the French did not take long to enter the game. Inside, by Sandrine Gruda, then outside, by Gabby Williams, they set the sights. And if Serbia, led by Yvonne Anderson, finished the first quarter at full speed, the Blue did not panic.

“We have revenge to take”

“We don’t want to leave without a medal, insisted Endy Miyem. We still have a chance to go get one, so even if there isn’t a lot of rest time, we will have to do it, we have no choice. “ Courageous, and showing the skill that had deserted them on Friday, the captain showed the example in attack (16 points) as at the other end of the field.

After two weeks of intense competition, and a short night’s rest, Valérie Garnier relied on the length of her bench to overcome exhaustion. “There is fatigue, and the solution will probably be to run more. It will take physical and mental resources, but we have revenge to take on the Serbian team ”, estimated the French coach. His players enjoyed a balanced playing time allowing them to breathe, without ever stopping attacking the Serbian team.

Read also Tokyo 2021 Olympics: so close, but so far, the basketball Blues bow in the final against the United States

Like the day before, the revolt was sounded in the second half by Marine Fauthoux. At 20, the daughter of former international Frédéric Fauthoux does not lack character. The day before, she called her team to ” to look yourself in the mirror “ after the defeat against Japan, and had initiated an all-terrain pressing at the end of the game, reducing the final gap. She seems to have taken responsibility. At three points, in drive towards the circle, the leader of Basket Landes signed a third quarter-time of high flight, and allowed France to keep a few lengths in advance. “I think we have the character to show something else against Serbia”, she estimated, frustrated, after the semi-final. The Blue followed the example of the last arrival among their ranks.

” It’s nice “

Aggressive in defense, and returning their shots, the French did not give the Serbs too much hope, despite a 12-0 conceded a few minutes from the end of the game. Not this Saturday, not after having finally beaten the Spanish rivals (in the quarterfinals). If they could not take part in the final they dreamed of against the Americans, the Blue took advantage of these Tokyo Games to settle some accounts.

Read also: The French women’s basketball team in the last square

Like the match against Spain, we still had scores to settle ” , wished to recall the French captain Endy Miyem after the meeting on France 2. “It’s starting to do. We wanted to show the Serbs that we were better, that we were able to show them better opposition than this Euro final [perdue fin juin, 63-54]. It’s nice. “

” It is the objective. Remain mobilized, stay focused on what we have done and which has brought us so far ”, Sandrine Gruda insisted on Friday. Carried by a revenge collective (seven players with more than ten points), the Bleues du basketball ended the Tokyo Games in style. On a buzzer shot, three points from Marine Johannès, to close the mark (91-76). A few hours after the silver medal of their male counterparts against the United States, the basketball players take bronze. They celebrated him like he was worth gold.

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