“In consultation with my doctor”: Kubicki is already planning his second booster

“In consultation with my doctor”
Kubicki is already planning his second booster

Israel has already switched to the second Corona booster vaccination. According to Bundestag Vice President Kubicki, Germany could soon follow suit. As a precaution, he made an appointment with his doctor, reveals the FDP politician.

While many politicians are still promoting boosters among the citizens, Bundestag Vice President Wolfgang Kubicki is already looking at the second Corona booster vaccination. “The figures from Israel show us that the effect of the vaccines wears off considerably three months after the booster vaccination,” said the deputy FDP chairman in Berlin. That is why they went over to providing the vulnerable groups with a second booster.

“Since at the end of February three months have passed since my first refresher, I have already considered an appropriate appointment in consultation with my doctor as a precaution.” He assumes that the conference of health ministers will have positioned itself on this issue by then, said Kubicki.

“At almost 70 years of age, I will clearly belong to the vulnerable group.” Of course, he and his doctor would think about how to proceed if the data from Israel showed that a second booster was not to be considered useful.

On the one hand, Kubicki is one of the committed advocates of vaccination, but on the other hand rejects compulsory vaccination. “The decisive factor is that the main argument, one can be vaccinated in order to obtain protection from others, has turned out to be wrong,” he said in the ZDF morning magazine. It is therefore not justifiable to force people against their will to be vaccinated. Kubicki is also one of the authors of a motion in the Bundestag against a general vaccination requirement.

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