In December, Novak Djokovic, positive for Covid-19, participated in a public ceremony

POLÉMIC – Novak Djokovic, whose Australian lawyers say he tested positive for Covid-19 on December 16, attended a ceremony in Belgrade the next day, without a mask, in honor of young Serbian players.

New episode in the “No vax” Djokovic case. Banned from entering Australia for health reasons, the tennis player believes he can be exempted from vaccination because he contracted Covid-19 in December. Contamination taken lightly? According to a publication on social networks consulted on Saturday by AFP, the tennis player attended without a mask on December 17, the day after his test in Belgrade, a ceremony in honor of young Serbian players.

In a statement released on December 17, the Belgrade Tennis Federation announced on its Facebook page that “the best tennis player on the planet” and “holder of 20 Grand Slam titles“on the same day presented cups and diplomas to young players.”Only the awarded children attended the presentation of the cups which took place in the Novak Tennis Center.“in Belgrade”due to health measures linked to the coronavirus pandemic“, we read.

The player still in detention

The post contains several photos of Djokovic with federation officials and around 20 teenagers, all without a mask. Most Serbian media reported the ceremony on December 17. Djokovic also attended the day before – the day of his positive test – another public event: the presentation of a tribute stamp to his effigy by the Serbian post. He himself posted a photo of it on Instagram.

Read also

  • “I encourage him to speak”: Novak Djokovic summoned to explain the reason for his medical exemption
  • Djokovic case: still stranded in a hotel in Melbourne, the Serbian counterattacks

The Serbian traveled to Australia mid-week after obtaining a medical exemption from the vaccination requirement to compete in the Australian Open, the first Grand Slam tournament of the season, but his visa was canceled at his arrival. According to the Australian government, the papers of the 34-year-old player, who had opposed compulsory vaccination and whose vaccination status is unknown, did not meet the required conditions. He was therefore placed in detention pending his deportation.

The treatment of the world number 1 by the Australian authorities is strongly denounced in his country, first and foremost by his family, which has been organizing daily rallies in Belgrade since Thursday, but also by political leaders. His brother Djordje said Novak could have returned, but this decision would amount to “defeat“.

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