In Pontoise, the violent escape of a detainee transferred to hospital


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A man imprisoned at Osny remand center in Val-d’Oise escaped Tuesday evening during his medical transfer. His accomplice injured an officer while shooting prison staff.

Violent, incredible, but apparently well prepared. There is no shortage of adjectives to describe the escape of a detainee from the Osny remand center (Val-d’Oise) on Tuesday evening, while he was transferred to the Pontoise hospital. The accomplice who was waiting for him then opened fire on the prison staff, injuring one of the officials. The fugitives are actively sought, and a judicial inquiry has been opened. On Wednesday, the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti, went there to meet the injured agent and the unions of the remand center.

In the words of the Pontoise prosecutor’s office, these are “In particular acts of assassination” which led Louis F., 28, to be remanded in custody on October 1 in the Osny remand center, north-west of the Paris metropolitan area. Despite a criminal record provided, “In particular for traffic offenses and acts of aggravated violence”, complete the floor, it was not a “Particularly supervised prisoner”. An internal source at Val-d’Oise prison says he even passed for a prisoner “Lambda”, who did not stand out. At least until Tuesday evening. Around 9 p.m. “He was discovered in his cell in the process of mutilating himself”,

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