In the Donaustadt – Will a new monster road lead through the residential area?

Numerous Donaustadt residents are extremely excited. They are not worried about an allotment, but about a monster road through the residential area.

The residential building along Pfalzgasse was advertised under “Simply good living”. The illustrations show children playing in a large park. What you don’t see is an 18 meter wide city street the size of a highway. But this is exactly what could create a significantly different picture here in just a few years. And in the neighboring settlement on Podhagskygasse, this fear is omnipresent. Feeder instead of park Because life in the countryside will then be over, according to some residents. What particularly annoys the neighbors is that their natural surroundings are to make way for an access road for future settlement areas with ten thousand apartments. “It’s not just about traffic, the sealing of the ground would also be enormous. “The city is trying to find space for greenery everywhere, but here they are covering a field with concrete,” said a resident. “The possibility is being examined.” In the district, the concerns can only be alleviated to a limited extent. “An international competition is currently taking place for the new urban expansion area Am Heidjöchl. Within this, the development of the area is also being considered and examined. The street mentioned would be a possibility, but that is currently still open,” it says.
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