In the face of flooding, cities are trying to adapt

La Sauldre. This is the name of the river that passes through Romorantin, a town in Loir-et-Cher. A calm and peaceful river which nevertheless overflows regularly. In 2011, the mayor decided to rehabilitate an industrial site located nearby to transform it into a residential district. But to install inhabitants there, it was necessary to take into account the possible floods of the Sauldre. An architect was then commissioned to imagine this neighborhood “of tomorrow”. Houses on stilts, raised parking, walkways… everything has been designed to anticipate climate change.

The world went to discover the arrangements made. A report by journalist Mathilde Sagaire.

This report by journalist Mathilde Sagaire is part of a special feature on resilient cities:

“Imagining and building the resilient city”, a theme debated during the Resilience Forum

Getting back up after a shock: mayors testify at the Resilience Forum

“Risk culture: can we prepare for the worst? », A question at the heart of the Resilience Forum

How cities are bouncing back from the disaster

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