In the service of the past: when an ex-Russian spy takes up arms again on Netflix

Action and spy series with a small dose of fantasy centered on a badass heroine, In the service of the past is available on Netflix.

What is it about ?

When her past as a Russian spy resurfaces, a single mother with unique skills must manage her family life while battling an insidious enemy.

A heroine from the cold

Entitled In From the Cold in the original version, In the service of the past is the new series which has been squatting second place in the top views on Netflix for the past few days. Created by Adam Glass (producer and screenwriter on Cold Case and Supernatural), the show has a former Russian spy as its heroine. The latter have definitely been popular in recent years between Black Widow, Red Sparrow and even Anna by Luc Besson.

The series begins today, when the one who called herself the Whisper when she was in the service of the SVR in the 90s, has rebuilt her life in the United States. Now the mother of a teenager and recently divorced, she accompanies her daughter for a figure skating competition in Madrid but is quickly kidnapped by the CIA, who have discovered her true identity. She is then forced to work for the American agency on pain of being sent to prison.


Anya, or Jenny as she now calls herself, is played in the present by Margarita Levieva, known to fans of Revenge and The Deuce in particular. The actress gives everything in this role and is at the same time touching, vulnerable and badass.

Her performance in the skin of this woman who does not allow herself to be stepped on is one of the successes of the series which, moreover, is not the most original. The young version of the character is embodied by the Russian Stasya Miloslavskaya, whose innocent face does not fail to soften in the many flashbacks devoted to her.

A touch of fantasy

If the CIA is interested today in Jenny, it is in particular for her extraordinary physical abilities. She is indeed the only survivor of a Russian program that gave her the ability to transform into any human she touched but also to become invisible or heal quickly.


Skills that the mysterious agent Chauncey, played by Cillian O’Sullivan (6Degrees, Taken Down), considers essential to track down the person responsible for the series of murders he is investigating, along with Chris, played by Charles Brice (The Punisher , Homeland), a hacker forced to work for him and notably used as a comic element in the series.

Spy thriller with multiple twists and action sequences, tinged with fantasy, but also with adolescent dramas with the adventures of Becca (Lydia Fleming), Jenny’s daughter who does not fit into her skating team, Au service from the past has plenty to keep Netflix subscribers entertained.

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