In this intriguing medieval game, you kill knights with an AK-47

A new video game has appeared on Steam. Her name ? Kingmakers ? Its concept? Go back in time to face knights with modern equipment. The first trailer is already creating buzz.

The first seconds of the trailer for Kingmakers, a video game unveiled on February 20 via Steam, suggests a medieval game with epic battles. Then, after a few seconds, there is a twist: suddenly, we see a character with modern equipment rushing towards an army in a pickup truck. He then takes out his finest AK-47 to kill knights who clearly don’t have the equipment to fight back. It doesn’t take much to create a mini buzz, with Internet users wondering where they are.

Developed by Redemption Road Games, Kingmakers is defined as an action and strategy game with huge battles managed in real time, within a sandbox. And if we can fight with weapons available today, it is quite simply because the story revolves around time travel. Concretely, we must change the course of History by going back 500 years. “ Conquer the past, save the future ”, we can read in the slogan.

Should we believe in Kingmakers?

The images of Kingmakers are quite impressive, especially when we see hundreds and hundreds of soldiers displayed on the screen fighting. To achieve this result, hair-raising on paper, the developers rely on “ next-generation multi-threaded AI » capable of providing them with realistic behavior (without cloning effect?). For animations, they rely on a procedural tool, a priori capable of doing wonders with the Unreal Engine (the limits of which would be pushed). To see when we play.

The question we can ask ourselves is the following: Kingmakers Isn’t it too good to be true? Could this be a new scam based around impossible-to-keep promises from a little-known studio (like a certain The Day Before) ? We are already reassured by looking at the liabilities of Redemption Road Games, including the first game – Road Redemptioninspired by Max Max, and where we fight on a motorcycle (an original concept) — had a small success in terms of popularity on Steam (nearly 9,000 evaluations, mostly very positive).

Kingamers // Source: Redemption Road Games
Kingamers // Source: Redemption Road Games

Then, the announcement press release seems honest and transparent enough to dispel some doubts. Redemption Road Games presents itself as a team of “ twenty passionate people », who worked for four years on this immersive experience. He’s not afraid to explicitly note his sources of inspiration, with games like Kingdom Come Deliverance, Chivalry or World War Z (for mass effect). Kingmakers will normally be available at the end of the year in early access, a step which will be important because it will involve players who want to embark on this crazy adventure.

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