Incest, sexual violence against minors: French indignity!

The Collectif Pour l'Enfance (CPLE) represents 33 associations in France which fight against all forms of mistreatment and which work so that an age of non-consent is finally defined in France. He warns about this numerous violence, suffered but so often killed.

There is no such thing as happy incest. There is no consent for abuse. There are sacrificed children. There are adults injured for life.

How many victims will it take?
6.7 million French people say they have been victims of incest, one in ten French people have 2 to 3 children per class. More than 10 million French people claim to have suffered sexual violence. One in seven women.

How many scandals and faces of courage will it take?
Flavie Flament, Vanessa Springora, Sarah Abitbol, ​​Adèle Haenel, Camille Kouchner, Andrea Bescon and many other more anonymous faces to express the extent of this evil which affects all circles.

How many books, how many words will it take to affirm the inability to consent?
In France, children, regardless of their age, must prove that they did not consent. No law provides for the constraint of the child, does not take into account the psychological reality of the child. Only a court decision dating from 2005 specifies that the constraint necessarily results from the very young age of the victims (in this case 5 years and 1 year and a half)

How much impunity will it take to reform a system?
Only 1 to 2% of cases of rape of minors result in a conviction. This virtual impunity is explained by an inadequate legal system.

How much pain will it take for France to finally decide to come out of its indignity?
Recognize that a child cannot consent to a sexual relationship with an adult below a certain age, put France, pinned by the Council of Europe, at the level of countries which have adopted real protection of minors: Canada ( 16 years old), Belgium (14 years old), England (13 years old), Germany (14 years old), Austria (14 years old), Tunisia (16 years old) …

How many fighters, child welfare organizations and years will it take to break the silence?
Associations have been fighting for decades for what seems to be so simple:
prevent several children from being raped every day and most of the time by a relative.
In an unprecedented movement, 33 associations came together in a collective formed at the time of the Schiappa law to denounce a text that did not allow a real age threshold, then around a single object: to obtain an age below which the he child's inability to consent would be recognized in the Penal Code.
The collective calls for an independent offense for minors under 15 years old which excludes any reference to coercion, but also a threshold of 18 years in the event of incest.

The evaluation report of the Schiappa law submitted on December 4, 2020 by Alexandra Louis to the government follows the demands of our Collective for the age threshold and autonomous offenses while surprisingly forgetting incest! While the report of the high council for equality proposes a presumption of constraint incapable of effectively protecting the child.

Do we need yet another commission to think about child protection? Do we need a political consensus for incest to be recognized as a crime in its own right? Does it take endless discussions, endless intercourse, to decide that under a certain age a child cannot consent to sex with an adult?

Read also
"In France, a child raped by an adult must prove his non-consent": associations wind up against the Schiappa law


If the will were clear, so would the texts.

Society is plagued by an indescribable silence.

The victims are muzzled by an impossibility of speaking, a family omerta, a judicial denial of their inability to consent, a legal vacuum concerning their effective protection.

In the face of the silence which protects the aggressors, speaking is an act which protects the victims.
So let's talk, let's act.

Mr. Macron, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Government, Ladies and Gentlemen of Parliament, be this man, this woman who rises, this firm and clear will which rises, put an end to denial and impunity, opt for a text that protects really our children.

Incest, talk about it! Childhood uppercase:

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Video by Nathalie Barenghi

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1- iPsos figures November 19, 2020
2- INED figures of 23 November 2020
3- France pinned for not having defined an age of sexual non-consent. Point 193 of the Crevio evaluation report

Op-ed written by the Collectif Pour l'Enfance.