Inclusive Beauty, a podcast on women’s lives not to be missed

Created by the L’Oréal Foundation, discover the series of INclusive Beauty podcasts dedicated to inclusive beauty. An intimate dive into the lives of Marie-Flora, Amria and even Victoria.

On the occasion of its second season entitled “Rediscovering yourself”, the Inclusive Beauty podcast initiated by the L’Oréal Foundation looks at the question of beauty and its relationship to the body through different portraits of women with journeys outside the commmon. Their names are Victoria, Marie-Flora or even Amria… women who have one thing in common: that of having experienced, at some point in their lives, an event that changed their lives.

“Life accidents” that have had major consequences on their daily lives, such as a loss of self-esteem or an inability to look at themselves in the mirror. Inclusive Beauty “Find yourself” strives to answer a crucial question that unfortunately concerns far too many people, especially women: what relationship do you have with your body when you have to focus on its survival? Listen to the new episodes of the Inclusive Beauty podcast, season 2 “Find yourself”, to find out.

Finding Yourself 1/7: Marie-Flora, “Reconnecting with your body”

Originally from Burkina Faso, Marie-Flora had to face a complicated divorce that was badly perceived by those around her, but also had to deal with illness when she learned that her new companion had transmitted HIV to her. In this episode of Inclusive Beauty, she recounts her arrival in France to access better treatments and her descent into hell when she finds herself faced with a precarious situation, far removed from the comfort in which she grew up in Burkina Faso.

Reuniting 2/7: Amria, “The reflection in the mirror”

Back to the life ofAmria, which began in Algeria to continue in France. Aged 78, she has lived for 38 years in the same maid’s room near Paris. A victim of rape in her youth, her relationship with her body remained complicated for a long time. Until she crosses the path ofAssociation for the Development of Women’s Health. Story.

Finding yourself 3/7: Victoria, “Reconcile with yourself”

Coming from a family affected by domestic violence, Victoria was 49 when she was sentenced to nine years in prison after “exploding” one day when it was too full. It is through hairdressing, behind bars, that, by taking care of the other prisoners, she will find meaning in her life. Free today, and thanks to the association Wake Up Cafe which accompanies former prisoners in their reintegration, Victoria tries to rebuild herself.

Finding yourself 4/7: Anissa, “Accepting self-care”

Anissa is 5 years old when her parents come to pick her up, her sister and her, at their grandmother’s house in Algeria, to take them to France. In this episode, she looks back on her childhood marked by violence, that which her father, an alcoholic, inflicted on her mother, then that of her mother towards her, the eldest of the family, who takes the blows without anyone saying nothing.

Getting together 5/7: Mbadiala, “Carrying your voice”

Born in Mali, Mbadiala had to honor her father’s promise: at the age of 9 she was given to her aunt who was unable to have children. Mbadiala dreams of going to school but instead his aunt exploits him and subjects him to daily violence…

Getting together 6/7: Zohra, “Living for yourself”

Zohra grew up in a mountain village in Kabylia: the eldest of the family, she takes care of the household with her mother. When her father dies, the family finds itself in a situation of great poverty where every day is a struggle to survive. When she was 15, her mother married her off to the son of their neighbours. Shortly after, the couple emigrated to France when Zohra fell ill and needed access to treatment. But her husband’s alcoholism and violence tarnish her hope for a better life.

Florence Santrot edits aufeminin. Geek and sporty, she has a particular appetite for tech and fitness/outdoor topics. When she’s not behind her screen, she runs…

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