Independent, a fashionable status

Autoentrepreneurs are now in the majority and the home delivery sector is on the rise.

The Covid-19 pandemic marked an important turning point for the 3.8 million self-employed in France. Contrary to popular belief, the crisis did not dissuade them from embarking on the entrepreneurial adventure since their number has increased by 8.2% since 2019, according to data from the Urssaf Caisse nationale. But for the first time, the share of the number of self-employed outweighed that of the self-employed at the end of 2020: 50.7% versus 49.3%. A logical change, 83% of new registrations having been made last year under the status of autoentrepreneurs. Among the sectors that generated the most enthusiasm, home delivery recorded a 56% jump in registrations, followed by IT and communication (+ 19%), and business consulting (+ 15% ). Among the traditional self-employed, they are those of finance and insurance (+ 3.8%), and private taxi (+ 3.1%).

The reason for this boom is simple. For Arnaud Sourisseau, founder of the One Man platform…

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