Infant Shiatsu, unexpected benefits for my baby

This Japanese practice comes straight from Chinese medicine to rebalance the energies of the body. A basic need for women who have just given birth, as well as for babies who find themselves in an unknown universe.

Shiatsu is an energy treatment recognized as a profession in Asia, especially in China and Japan, practiced for more than 5,000 years. Indeed, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, body and mind are intimately linked. In France, this so-called preventive practice is not recognized. However, many practitioners offer shiatsu sessions for women during pregnancy, after childbirth or for babies.

Act on ailments of the body and mind

This practice aims to rebalance the body’s energies and help baby stimulate his natural defense abilities. Thus, within these quarter-hour sessions, Clotilde acts with her fingers, hands and thumbs on the acupuncture meridians, each linked to a function of the body and to an emotion: fear, anger. , joy or even anxiety. "Babies are hypersensitive, thanks to infant shiatsu, I help children to better manage their emotions, but also to improve sleep, reduce regurgitation problems and reduce colds", indicated Clotilde Poivilliers, therapist for over twenty years, teacher and lecturer in shiatsu.

During a session, the baby is placed on his back, placed either in a towel or on a bed. Fully dressed, baby receives gentle pressure for a quarter of an hour. “Right after birth, I work on the head, back of the neck and any areas that may have been roughed up during childbirth. Often, baby falls asleep because it calms him down a lot ", indicates the expert who intervenes during pregnancy, in maternity hospitals, but also after childbirth. Indeed, infant shiatsu has many benefits, especially for self-regulation and self-healing of babies. “Babies get less sick, they generally have better pain management.”

Benefits for the mother

Childbirth is not easy for a woman, both mentally and physically. Moms go from nine months of pregnancy feeling baby move and grow to a little one with special needs and a personality that is starting to take hold. This transition is not always easy to manage, but thanks to shiatsu, mothers can also regain their balance. “Moms go through a mountain of emotions during and after childbirth. I take care of helping them with postpartum regulation, fatigue, libido. I also guide mother and child to find the right balance in order to learn to detach ", indicates the therapist.

Shiatsu to support the child throughout his life

This treatment is not only beneficial for babies and mothers, children and adolescents can also benefit. “The older the children, the longer the session lasts. The benefits are different, since the child will be more focused and he will be less restless. "

Thus, this progressive practice makes it possible to support the child in all the key moments of his life.

Thanks to Clotilde Poivilliers for her testimony. For more info, go here.

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