Ingrid Chauvin as a couple with a famous photographer


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Actress Ingrid Chauvin has found love again in the arms of photographer Philippe Warrin. A confidence that she shares with a lot of poetry on Instagram.

It is with a black and white photo taken by her lover, that Ingrid Chauvin decided to formalize her brand new love story. The actress, who plays the role of Chloe in the series “Tomorrow belongs to us”, broadcast on TF1, is experiencing a new relationship with photographer Philippe Warrin. She decided to reveal this news to her Instagram followers with the publication of a photo, where the actress appears in the foreground and, in the background, Philippe Warrin who is holding a lens.

“I like this photo, because it represents the past as well as the future. It also represents, an impossible which becomes possible, then a dream which becomes the reality of today ”, wrote the French actress in the caption of the photo taken by Philippe Warrin. Ingrid Chauvin evokes with subtlety and delicacy this new relationship which seems to flourish her.

Ingrid Chauvin and Philippe Warrin: a professional relationship that has evolved

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Ingrid Chauvin and Philippe Warrin have known each other for several years, but their relationship had remained professional until now. Separated since last year from Thierry Peythieu, the father of her son Tom, Ingrid Chauvin has turned the page and allows herself to love again. After this difficult break, the actress confided to have found her freedom. She now seems calm and confident.

Love is where you least expect it, but fate catches up with you, says the French actress to her fans. She uses her lover’s photo to summarize her new story. “It also represents, an impossible that becomes possible, then a dream that becomes reality today. Two people can be made to be together, but for various reasons it is not the right timing. Fate takes charge. besides, soul mates always end up meeting again! ”

The happiness of Ingrid Chauvin … and his fans

Ingrid Chauvin was able to work with Philippe Warrin in the context of her work. Photographer recognized, especially for his star shots, Philippe Warrin is the one who signed the official portrait of Nicolas Sarkozy, when he was President of the Republic in 2007. Time and patience have made the two lovebirds happy. ‘now assume as a couple.

Ingrid Chauvin has sparked a tidal wave of love within her fan community. The actress has received, since yesterday, Sunday December 5, many congratulatory messages from her subscribers. The actress was able to comfort them with this beautiful story and also wishes them to find true love. “Be confident, your soul mate may not be so far”, she wrote to them.

Amina Boumazza

Freelance journalist, Amina is passionate about societal trends that she dissects with words. She has a particular focus on women’s rights and equal opportunities. When she …

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