Inhale: Gentle help with colds

Inhalation helps against colds

© napocska / Shutterstock

When we inhale, there is a gentle way to get a grip on the common cold. We explain here what you should pay attention to.

Why should we inhale?

Inhaling is probably one of the oldest home remedies for colds and has been tried and tested to this day. By inhaling the vapors of chamomile, eucalyptus and Co., the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract are moistened with colds – and can thus be cleared more easily. This can relieve symptoms such as coughing, for example, because it makes it easier to cough up stuck mucus, or if the nose is blocked.

What is inhalation suitable for?

Patients with diseases that affect the upper respiratory tract may benefit from inhalation. The method does not replace treatment with medication (and a corresponding active ingredient), but it can alleviate the symptoms in a gentle way. Inhalation is suitable for the following diseases and ailments:

Caution: Inhaling can stress the circulation. If the blood pressure is very low or the circulation is otherwise disturbed, inhalation should be avoided. The same applies to an eye condition or an inflammatory skin disease.

Cold: mother washes hands with child

Inhale correctly: this is how it works

A big advantage of inhalation: Anyone can easily do it themselves at home. There are the following options for this:

  • Inhalation with a saucepan or bowl
  • Inhale with an inhaler

This is how inhalation works with a saucepan or bowl

  1. Fill the respective container with hot water to just below the brim.
  2. Add an inhalation additive. Depending on the symptoms, different variants are suitable, and the doctor often makes a recommendation. Usually chamomile or saline solutions are suitable, in some cases also essential oils (e.g. based on eucalyptus).
  3. Sit in front of the table, place a towel over your head, and bend over the jar.
  4. Make sure you keep a distance of about two hand’s widths so as not to burn yourself.
  5. Hold the towel so that no steam can escape to the side.
  6. Now breathe in the steam deeply through your mouth and nose for about ten to 20 minutes.
  7. Wash your face off with lukewarm water.
  8. Protect yourself and your circulation: You should not go outside or expose yourself to drafts after inhaling. It’s best to lie down for a while.

The inhalation can be repeated about two to three times a day.

With this method, only the oropharynx and the nasal mucosa are reached, but not the deeper seated bronchi.

This is how inhaling with an inhaler works

With a special inhaler from the pharmacy and special attachments for the nose and mouth, inhalation becomes even more effective – not only the upper airways, but also the bronchi can be reached, which can help with bronchitis. The principle is the same as when inhaling over the bowl or pot: The vapors from the device are inhaled deeply into the nose or mouth. The so-called active nebulization, which can influence the size of the water droplets, is created by the attachments. Because only tiny droplets get into the bronchi and lungs – and can thus loosen particularly tough mucus.

Another important piece of information: After use, the inhaler should be rinsed well and dried properly to prevent bacteria from spreading in it.

When can I use essential oil for inhalation?

These remedies can be used when inhaling with a bowl or saucepan, but not with the inhaler. If you have allergic asthma, you shouldn’t use it at all, as the oils can also irritate the airways and trigger an asthma attack. The funds must also not be used on children and infants – The constituents such as menthol can cause shortness of breath in the little ones.


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