Injured to the hospital – eight-year-old ran in Alberndorf right in front of the car

An eight-year-old ran right in front of a car in Alberndorf. The boy came to the hospital injured.

A 39-year-old from the Urfahr-Umgebung district drove her car in the municipality of Alberndorf in Riedmark on Wednesday at around 5:30 p.m. on the L1467 coming from Alberndorf towards Gallneukirchen. In the local area of ​​Spattendorf, she said, suddenly an 8-year-old, also from the Urfahr-Umgebung district, ran from Wagnerweg onto the L1467.

Immediate emergency braking
The 39-year-old immediately initiated an emergency stop, but could no longer avoid a collision with the child. She touched the boy who fell and was injured to an indefinite degree. He was admitted to the Kepler University Hospital.

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