The topic of abortion polarizes not only in the USA, but also in Tyrol. This became clear on Saturday at demonstrations in Innsbruck. Both opponents and supporters took to the streets. The renewed heated debate was triggered by plans by the state government.
On the one hand drums, megaphones and spray paints. On the other side white carnations, figures of saints and rosaries. Two worlds collided in Innsbruck city center on Saturday. Not physically, although there was some disruption and arrests. The fundamental differences relate to the world view. Opponents of abortion against the plans of the state government On the one hand, around 400 opponents of abortion who formed in front of the Anna column. Many from church circles who are mobilizing against the state government’s plans to allow abortion in at least one public hospital. Her heart is bleeding, said organizer Natalie Ehrenberger of “Youth for Life” pathetically: “Women don’t need easier access to abortion. That only hides the problem.” The “Pro choice” initiative calls for decriminalization “Youth for Life” sent a direct mail to more than 230,000 households calling for a demonstration. The response was modest in comparison. The counter-demo of the “Pro choice” initiative, which campaigns for the decriminalization of abortion and contact points in hospitals, received somewhat more encouragement. Women’s organizations joined the rally, around 600 participants came, including Social and Women’s Councilor Eva Pawlata (SPÖ). She had sparked the debate in the fall when she publicly spoke out in favor of a nationwide offer. She was surprised by the violent backlash, she said at the demo: “I didn’t know how conservative the landscape in Tyrol still was.” “Since then, we’ve hardly made any progress,” stated Margareta Wohllaib from the Abortion Action Committee. The state government now wants to take a step. Signatures were collected for this on Saturday. Against that too.
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