Instagram decides to strengthen its control of sensitive content to help more users

Merouan Goumiri

June 11, 2022 at 3:30 p.m.



After implementing a sensitive content control system last year, instagram has just announced some important changes in terms of protecting its users.

While Twitter has just made it easier and more logical to report tweets, for its part, Instagram decides to tighten the screw in terms of control over sensitive content on its platform.

Instagram wants to protect users more

Last week, Instagram saw the time of its Reels increase, in addition to welcoming various other features designed for content creators. But today, the platform takes itself a little more seriously by announcing to extend its controls in terms of content qualified as “sensitive”.

Until now, this feature was already found on Instagram, but only concerned the “Explore” tab. A situation that will soon change since the social network has decided to extend this functionality to its entire platform. From now on, the sensitive content control system will therefore also apply to Reels, hashtags, account recommendations and research.

As a reminder, sensitive content controls are accessible from your account settings. You can then choose, as is currently the case, between the following options: “Allow”, “Limit” and “Limit even more”. This will determine the extent to which you wish to have access to certain content deemed disturbing and offensive (photos or videos). Parameters that can therefore now be applied beyond the “Explorer” page.

This is a significant initiative on the part of Instagram, even if it may take a few weeks before seeing this feature spread on the platform. Anyway, protecting its users, and especially the youngest, seems to be a priority for the social network.

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Instagram is THE instant photography-focused social network. Like the Polaroids, the platform was built around the idea of ​​sharing instant digital photos in square format. Today, its iconic format is available in several versions of the photo support: Photo or video story, short videos in the Reels, live and rebroadcast of IGTV (video of one hour maximum): there is something for everyone tastes

Instagram is THE instant photography-focused social network. Like the Polaroids, the platform was built around the idea of ​​sharing instant digital photos in square format. Today, its iconic format is available in several versions of the photo support: Photo or video story, short videos in the Reels, live and rebroadcast of IGTV (video of one hour maximum): there is something for everyone tastes

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Source : iMore

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