Intelligence: 7 subtle signs that you are smarter than others

7 signs you are smarter than others

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Sure, everyone thinks they are intelligent. But do you really have more to offer than the average population? You can recognize it by these signs.

Normally, an intelligence test is used to measure how smart a person is. However, in various studies, scientists have been able to show that if a person has these characteristics, then they are usually above-average intelligent.

7 typical signs that you are smarter than others

1. You like cats

Cat fans are not as open and social as dog lovers, but they do have a higher IQ. At least that’s what a study by Carrol University in Wisconsin claims.

2. You studied math or physics

Sorry, dear social scientists! But in his studies, Jonathan Wai from Duke University in the US was able to determine a connection between special cognitive abilities and certain fields of study. At the top of the rankings: mathematicians and physicists!

3. You are tall

If you are above average height (the average for women in Germany is 1.64 m), then you are also more intelligent, according to a study by Princeton University.

4. You like playing computer games

PC games have long had a bad reputation – until now. Because US scientists at Columbia University have discovered: Gaming makes you more intelligent! Anyone who plays on a PC at primary school age develops almost twice as much mental abilities. The optimal time per day: one hour.

5. You could read early

A, B, C, D… The University of Edinburgh and King’s College of London tested 2,000 pairs of twins. Result: The twin who could read earlier was more intelligent!

6. You grew up with father

A study by Canada’s Concordia University has shown that if fathers and children live together at a young age and before puberty, the offspring show fewer behavioral problems and higher intelligence. Children also learn to deal with fears more easily when their father is around them.

7. You are funny

Researchers at the University of Mexico first had 400 students take an IQ test and then write text on cartoons. Conclusion: The most intelligent had the funniest ideas.


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